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Beca drove and drove until she pulled up outside the house she visited only two days ago.

She walked up the familiar path until she was met with Cindy and Christian Beale.
"Hey Cindy, Mr Beale" she greeted as they opened the door wide for her to come in.
"We just saw you pull in, thought we'd get the door. What brings you by so soon?" Cindy asked.
"Well I needed help, kinda. I've realized over the past two days that I'm in love with your daughter and I want to do everything in my power to make her happy but she doesn't think she's good enough." Beca sighed.
"Oh dear, we've known you two were gonna end up together since the first time Chloe brought you bye" Cindy smiled.
"Wh-What?" Beca asked shocked.
"Bec it's obvious how much you both love and care for each other. I'm suppose to disapprove Chloes relationships but you I will approve of one hundred percent." Mr Beale smiled.
"Thanks sir. I'm just not sure what to do with her though. She doesn't think she's good enough, she doesn't think we'll work." She said sadly.
"She'll come around Bec, you just have to be patient with her." Cindy said.
"Okay. Thanks for the help. I'll be back soon, hopefully with Chloe" Beca smiled as she stood from the couch, hugging the two.
"My daughter better be on your arm the next time I see you" Mr Beale playfully threatened her.
"Yes sir" she laughed.
"Bye dear" Cindy waved as Beca left.

On the way back to campus Beca stopped at the studio to see Reggie and work more on her songs.
"What's up Reg?" Beca asked as she walked into his office.
"Nothing much, setting up the lineup for my concert. Speaking of do you have songs ready?" He asked.
"Yep, I've got four for sure. I got to ask Jesse if I can use the fifth." She smiled.
"What are they called?" He looked up from his computer.
"Uh Hello Darling, Naked, Otherwise, Don't let Me and of Jesse let's me I Don't Miss You" she smiled.
"Sounds good, once you know if you can use the last one let me know. I'm gonna have this concert on a time schedule." He turned back to his computer.
"Will do. I'll stop there before I go back to the bellas and ask him. I'll text you his answer" she stood from her chair and walked to the door.
"Sounds good, see ya" he called as she left.

She got in her car and drove over to Jesses dorm. She quickly made her way to his room before knocking. He opened the door with a smile.
"Hey bec, what ya need?" He asked.
"Hey, I can't stay long but I was wondering if I could preform I Don't Miss You at Reggies concert?" She asked.
"Yeah totally I don't mind but what concert?" He asked.
"Reggie holds a concert to show his new artists every year. After hearing my music he asked me to preform and I agreed. I'm preforming five songs" she smiled.
"That's great Becaw I'm proud of you! I'll definitely be there" he smiled.
"Thanks Jess, I've got to go but I'll talk to you soon" she said as she turned to leave.

On her way to her car she shot reggie a message letting him know Jesse said yes. She got in her car and drove over to the bellas house. Once she arrived she saw everyone in the living room.

"Hey guys. What's going on?" She asked as she saw Chloe stood in front of them all.
"Reds not very happy with us shortstack" Amy spoke from the couch.
"What did you guys do? And am I any way involved?" She asked as she stepped to stand next to the redhead.
"You didn't do anything Becs. They all decided to go through my room and phone without me knowing. Claiming they wanted to make sure I was okay" Chloe told her angrily.
"Seriously guys? I told you to leave it be, that I was handling it. Who's idea was it to begin with?" Beca asked crossing her arms.

All the girls pointed at Amy and she just looked at the ground.
"Amy! Extra cardio laps at rehearsal for you" Beca scolded.
"But shorty listen. She was in a funk and we were worried. You weren't acting fast enough" she tried to defend.
"You can't help somebody over night Amy. And even if I wasn't doing anything that still gave you no right to go through her things. Argue this anymore and I'll add more laps for you" Beca said and Amy stoped talking.
"Thanks Becs" Chloe said turning to hug the girl.
"No problem Darlin'" Beca smiled.

The girls split off heading to classes or somewhere else. Beca and Chloe stayed in the living room.
"Where'd you go this morning?" Chloe asked.
"Uh I went to the studio to talk with Reggie and then to jesses dorm to ask him something. Then I came here" beca told her.
"If you went to my parents you can tell me" she giggled.
"Yeah I might of visited them too. Cindy wants to be in the loop okay" Beca joked making the other girl laugh.
"What did you tell them?" She asked.
"I told them how I felt about you and that you were hesitant about it. They kinda just laughed at me and said from the moment you brought me there the first time they knew we'd end up together. Honestly wasn't what I was expecting but hey I'll take it" she chuckled.
"They really said that?" Chloe laughed.
"Yep. Your dad even said he would approve of me so I'm safe there. Cindy truly believes we're meant to be together so" Beca trailed off with a shrug of her shoulders.
"What if I said I believed that too?" Chloe asked shyly and Beca's eyebrow raised.
"Really?" She asked.
"I've been thinking and in the four years I've known you you've been nothing but kind and loving towards me. Everything felt easy with you, nothing was ever forced. We had a connection since we first met. You always made sure I knew I was loved and complimented me on everything. You made me feel things none of my boyfriends or hookups ever made me feel" Chloe confessed.
"Are you saying what I think you're saying?" Beca asked getting excited.
"I think I want to give this a shot" Chloe said, smile growing wide on her face.
"Yes! I am winning at life!" Beca smiled, jumping up from the couch.

Chloe laughed at her as she danced her way around the living room smiling.
"You're such a dork" she laughed.
"Yeah can't argue that" she said with a smile.
"What's got you smiling?" Stacie asked walking in.
"I'm winning at life stace. That's all you need to know." Beca said.
"Okay" she smiled.
"I've got to go work on my performance. I'll see you both at rehearsals later" Beca said grabbing her phone and heading out of the living room.
"I better actually do some homework" Chloe sighed as she too left the room.

Chloe grabbed her textbooks and made her way towards Beca's room. She knocked once before walking in, laughing slightly.
"I thought you were working on your performance?" She said looking at Beca laying in bed half asleep.
"I was. Then I laid down and now that plans out the window." She lazily smiled.
"Can I study in here with you?" Chloe asked shyly.
"Of course Darlin'. You know I love your company" Beca smiled.

Chloe walked over and sat beside Beca on the bed, laying her textbooks in front of her. She glanced over at beca laying down while on her phone. She smiled and decided to lay on the girls chest for a few minutes. Beca lazily drooped her arm around the girl.
"I hope you know I'm staying in here tonight. For a girl who hates cuddles you sure do give the best ones" Chloe said before sitting back up to start her work.
"Good to know" Beca smiled before moving herself to wrap an arm around Chloes waist and lay her head behind the girl.
"What are you doing?" Chloe asked with a smile.
"I like being close to you. I'd lay my head in your lap but your doing work so I'd just be in the way. This is the next best thing" Beca said tighting her hold.
"If you want to lay your head in my lap and distract me from my work I won't protest" Chloe suggested and Beca chuckled.
"You've got to do that work Darlin'. I know you're behind." Beca said.
"You're right" she sighed before beginning her work.

They stayed like that for a few hours. Beca ended up falling asleep. Once Chloe finished she woke Beca up and they headed off to bellas rehearsals with the rest of the crew.

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