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Beca had been at the studio all night. She had to get all the ideas out of her head. She's written two new songs. Reggie came in at five in the morning, a bit startled by Beca's presence.
"Beca? What are you doing here?" Reggie asked.
"Sorry Reg I just got in another fight with Chloe last night and came here because I needed to create some songs" she said stepping out of the booth.
"You've been here all night?" He asked and she nodded.
"I'm sorry. I just couldn't stop." She said.
"Can I hear them?" He asked.

Beca just nodded before walking over to her laptop and playing the tracks.
"Beca you have a real talent." He said smiling.
"That's what ya said yesterday reg" she joked.
"Listen I'm hosting a concert here in a few weeks. Basically it's to show all my new artists off to the world. I want you to preform." He said resting his hand on her shoulder.
"You want me to preform? Like one of your new artists?" She asked.
"Yeah. Prepare like four or five songs. I want you as a main act. I have like three other new artists. You and one other will be main acts and the other two will be openers. What do you say?" He asked.
"Yeah. Yeah I'm in. I'll do it" she said and he smiled.
"You're gonna be a hit Mitchell. I'm telling you." He said walking off.
"Thank you!" She shouted after him.
"Go home!" He yelled back before disappearing around the corner.

Beca smiled to herself as she packed up her laptop and things before heading home. Once she arrived she walked through the door to see a worried redhead and an angry brunette.
"Where the fuck were you Beca! I thought maybe you went to Jesses but when I call him he said you two broke up! You scared the shit out of me you wouldn't answer your phone!" Stacie yelled.
"You were somewhere safe right?" Chloe asked concerned.
"Sorry Stace my phone died. I was at the studio Chlo" she told the two.
"The studio?" Stacie asked.
"Yeah I have an internship with Residual heat. I didn't tell you guys because I didn't think it'd really go anywhere but I was wrong" she smiled slightly to herself.
"Why the hell would you be at the studio all night long?" Stacie asked again, anger coming back.
"Chloe and I got into an argument? No that's not really what it was, oh a disagreement yeah that works. We got into a disagreement and I needed to clear my head. I went to the studio and wrote and recorded all night until Reggie came in at five." She explained.
"You scared the shit out of me Mitchell. Never do that shit again" Stacie said before storming out of the room.
"Love you too stace!" Beca called.
They heard a muffled 'love you midget' called from down the hall making Beca chuckle.

"You really scared us bec, especially me" Chloe said walking up and hugging her.
"Sorry Darlin', I just needed to clear my head. Once I started writing I couldn't stop" she said hugging her back.
"What did you mean earlier when you said you thought nothing would come out if it but you were wrong?" Chloe asked.
"How long have you been up?" Beca asked changing the subject.
"All night why?" She asked.
"Let's go to sleep. I'll answer your question once you're in bed." Beca said leading the two upstairs into the redheads room.

Once Chloe was changed and laying under her covers Beca sat down on the edge of her bed.
"What I meant by that is when Reggie caught me this morning he asked to hear my stuff. I told him yeah and let him listen to the three new tracks I created. He thinks I have a real talent. He wanted me to preform at his concert in a couple of weeks, as a main act. He does one of these every year to show his new talent. I accepted." Beca told her.
"Really? That's great Bec I'm proud of you." Chloe smiled.
"Well I really should be thanking you" Beca said.
"Why?" Chloe asked.
"Because you're the inspiration behind all my songs except one. Our arguments and fights fuel my writing. My love for you fuels my writing" Beca said the last line in a whisper but Chloe caught it.
"What do you mean your love for me?" She asked confused.
"Chlo it was never Jesse. It was always you. From day one my heart belonged to you. I was just to stupid to notice. Reggie made me realize that it's you. I am hopelessly in love with Chloe Beale." Beca smiled softly to herself as she waited for Chloes response.
"You can't love me" she whispered.
"Oh but I do. Loved you since the day at the activity's fair. It's why I'm so passionate about making you realize you're worth it and deserve only the best." Beca said reaching to take Chloes hand in hers.
"Im not good enough for you Beca. I never will be." She said shaking her head.
"Hey, that's for me to decided. To me you're more then enough. To me you're perfect" she said with as much passion as possible.
"I'll only hurt you in the end. Or you'll fall out of love and use me like everyone else. It's the way it will be." Chloe said as a tear fell down her cheek.
"Tell me you feel it too. Tell me you love me" Beca begged, staring intently into Chloe eyes.
"I've loved you since the activities fair too. I love you Beca Mitchell" she said.
"Then you won't hurt me. I'll never use you Chloe. Never in a million years" Beca said slipping off the bed to be eye to eye with Chloe.
"How do you know that" she whispered.
"Because you can't hurt the one that holds your heart" Beca said before leaning forwards, connecting their lips.

The kiss was soft, sweet. It was full of passion and love. Beca moved to sit beside Chloe without breaking the kiss. She ran her tongue along Chloes bottom lip asking for entrance. Once it was given their tongues fought for dominance. Beca ended up letting Chloe win so she could feel in control.

Once oxygen became a problem the two pulled apart, resting their foreheads together. Beca had a lazy smile planted on her lips and she gazed into Chloes eyes. Chloe couldn't help but smile herself.
"Do you still think I'll hurt you?" Beca whispered.
"I trust you Beca, I just don't trust myself." She whispered back, pulling away.

Beca's face fell at her words. She's hoping Chloe will let her in, let them be together.
"Life's all about taking risks Darlin', let this be one of your risks" she said.
"You're really trying to use that name to your advantage aren't you?" Chloe smiled.
"I know you love the southerner in me. Gotta take what I can get" Beca smiled back.
"Let me think about it." Chloe asked.
"Only if you promise me to think about the good stuff too, not just the bad." Beca said holding her pinky out.
"What makes you think I wasn't gonna think of both?" Chloe asked.
"I know how your mind works. Promise me" Beca said wiggling her pinky.
"I promise" Chloe said linking their fingers.
"Alright good. Now get some sleep Darlin' we got bellas practice later" Beca said standing and pulling the covers over Chloe.
"Stay with me?" Chloe asked.
"That's not gonna help your thinking, plus I've got somewhere I need to be" Beca said leaning down and kissing the girls head.
"Okay. See you later?" She asked.
"Of course" Beca smiled as she slipped out the door.

She headed downstairs grabbing her keys before leaving the house and getting in her car. She headed off to her next destination.

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