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"Alright bitches lets do this shit" Beca called walking into the rehearsal space.
"What's got you all happy cap?" Amy asked.
"I just took an awesome nap and I'd like to get back to it so let's get going, ten laps everyone, Amy fifteen." Beca called.
"Do I really have to? I promise to be good from now on" she whined.
"Yes Amy you do. This isn't the first time you've been caught snooping through Chloes stuff. She just didn't know about the other times. You've really been pushing my last nerve lately so if I were you I'd get running before I push it to twenty" Beca commanded.
"Yes sir" she groaned before joining the group.

Beca walked over to the piano to setup her mixing equipment and Chloe decided to join her considering they were co-captains.
"Hey Bec, what were you talking about with Amy? What has she been caught doing?" She asked leaning against the piano.
"After your breakup with Daniel we all noticed you act a bit different. Instead of listening to me like the others Amy decided to try to take it into her own hands. Went through your room, phone, bag, even stalked one of your dates. I caught her almost every time. Really started pissing me off to be honest." Beca told her.
"Seriously?! Do these girls not know privacy!" Chloe angrily said.
"The girls do, just not Amy" Beca sighed as she saw the girls start to finish their laps.

Once the girls were all done their laps they began rehearsing. About half way through they stopped for a rest break.
"Hey imma go use the bathroom real quick!" Amy called as she walked that direction. 

When the girls weren't looking she grabbed Chloes bag and heading into the bathroom. She went through everything she could find, her phone, every pocket, even the journal she keeps in there. By reading the journal she found out all about what Tom, Josh and Brandon did.

Chloe walked over to retrieve her water bottle, noticing her bag was missing. She furrowed her eyebrows before making her way over to the rest of the girls.
"Hey Bec have you seen my bag? I can't find it." Chloe asked and Beca turned that direction.
"You've got to be kidding me. When will she fucking learn" Beca groaned before making her way towards the bathroom where Amy was.

She stood outside the door until Amy came out with Chloes bag in one hand and the journal in the other.
"Amy" Beca spoke making the girl jump.
"Oh hey Beca. Fancy seeing you here" she said nervously.
"Give it" Beca said holding her hand out.
Amy reluctantly handed over the bag and journal. Beca's anger growing at the sight of her best friends journal.
"Amy what the fuck! How many times do I have to tell you to stop going through Chloes things!" Beca yelled, catching the attention of others.

The two made their way back over to the group, Amy trying to apologize but Beca wasn't listening. Once they were closer to the group Beca spun around.
"No Amy you don't get to bullshit a bunch of apologies and think this is okay. You know how private this is to her?" Beca asked holding the journal up, hearing Chloes gasp behind her.
"Amy you didn't!" Chloe yelled.
"Oh but she did. I should make you run fifty laps right now" She angrily said, handing the stuff over to Chloe.
"Chloe I'm sorry. I'm just worried about you" Amy tried to defend.
"There's nothing to be worried about Amy!" She yelled before storming out of the room.
"Practice over. Hope your happy Amy" Beca said before chasing after Chloe.
"You fucked up Ames. I don't know how easily they'll forgive you" Stacie said grabbing her bag.

"Chloe! Darlin' wait up!" Beca called running to catch up to her.
Once she caught up she grabbed Chloes hand causing her to face her. Once she saw her crying she quickly pulled her into a hug.
"I'm so sorry Darlin'." Beca whispered as she rubbed her back.
"Beca what happened with Tom, Josh and Brandon was in there. Amy knows that now. I didn't want anyone knowing other then you" she cried and Beca could feel her anger rise.
"I'll make sure to keep her from saying anything." She told her.

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