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Today was the day.

Today was the day Beca Mitchell would be introduced to the world.

Beca woke up super early out of nerves and began getting ready. While she was in her closet looking for something to wear Amy appeared.
"Hey Cap" she nervously said.
"What do you want Amy" Beca said coldly.
"I wanted to apologize. I plan to apologize to chloe later but I'm so sorry for what I did. It was wrong and insensitive and I regret it so much. I miss you two and I want to make it up to you. You were my best friend shortstack, I miss you" she said sincerely.
Beca turned to look at her before speaking, "I appreciate you apologizing Amy but it's not really up to me if you're forgiven or not. Apologize to chloe and if she forgives you then so will I"
"Okay" Amy nodded before walking away.

Beca finished getting ready before heading downstairs to make some breakfast for herself and the girls.

Beca decides on pancakes, the girls favorite. After cooking for about an hour the rest of the girls slowly emerged from their rooms.
"You cooked today? Are you alright?" Stacie joked earning a glare from the brunette.
"I'll take your pancakes away Conrad" she threatened.
"Bite me" Stacie said taking a plate and heading to the table.

The girls sat down to eat as more came out of their rooms. Chloe was the last one to come downstairs, smiling as she entered the room.
"Who cooked?" She asked.
"Beca" the girls said together.

They all enjoyed breakfast before going on with there day.
"Excited?" Chloe asks as she walked up to Beca.
"Yes and nervous. These songs mean a lot to me and I hope everyone will enjoy them" she says.
"You'll do great Becs. When does reggie want you there for sound check?" She asked.
"Eleven. Concerts at two." Beca nodded.
"Can't wait" chloe smiles as she kisses the girls cheek.
"Did Amy talk to you?" Beca asked.
"Yeah. I'm a bit on the edge with forgiving her. She told me you won't forgive her unless I do." She said.
"Yeah because it's really not my place to forgive her. Just take your time and think about it" Beca says kissing her forehead softly before moving to leave the room.

Chloe thinks about what Beca says before going to find Amy.
"Amy" she spoke causing the girl jump up.
"Yes Red?" She asked.
"I'm gonna think about your apology. I'll let you know tomorrow" she said before leaving the room.

Eleven o'clock rolled around and Beca found herself outside a huge arena with her name in big letters on the front. She couldn't believe where she was right now. She slowly made her way in to find Reggie. After going through some sound checks and meeting the other artists two o'clock rolls around and Beca's super nervous. She feels her phone buzz in her pocket.

Chloe: You've got this! Rock it superstar :)

Beca smiled to herself as she read the message.

Beca: thanks Darlin'

Beca watches from the side as the opening acts put on a great show. Before she knew it Reggie was calling her name. She made her way out on stage with a smile.
"What's going on everyone!?" She yells earning cheers in return.
Her eyes scan the crowd for her favorite redhead who she soon spots.
"Is it alright if I preform some songs for y'all?" She asks which is met with loud cheering.
"Alright this first song is called I Don't Miss You'. I wrote it to breakup with my ex. He was a great guy about it and agreed to letting me preform it so I hope you enjoy" she says before stepping back from the mic.
She spots Jesse standing with the bellas, a proud smile on his face. He gives her a thumbs up as she went to sing.

Neither of us is at fault
But lately if I'm being honest
Nothing lights up when you call

And I hate it

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