telling the family

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Harry pov 

draco and i where in the dinning room eating breakfast and draco was plying with his eggs. "draco you need to finish dear" i said he looked at me he was tired an feeling sick from morning sickness he was having a rough couple of days i felt bad but i knew for his and the baby's sake he needed to get some food in him. "i just don't feel good at all harry...i'm going to lay down on the couch." he said he went to get up but he was weak i got up and helped him i walked him to the couch and he laid down i sat next to him he put his head on my lap and closed his eyes he had one if his hands resting on his lower stomach i smiled and placed my hand on his he opened his eyes slowly and looked at me. "is daddy protecting are baby now two?" he asked softly i smiled "well yeah they need to be protected your a fragile man dray." i said he rolled his eyes "yeah well not my fault you did this to me.." he said closing his eyes cuddling into me. "yeah yeah blame me i'm happy about this even though you aren't feeling so good all the time right now but i wont be going anywhere." i said he smiled at me and i leaned down and kissed him softly he kissed back. " i'm getting a little bump its hard to tell but i am can you tell?" he asked me he lifted his shirt you could tell it was a little round but it was cute to me. "yeah i can tell hun" i said he smiled and rested his eyes after pulling his shirt down placing his hand back on his lower stomach, suddenly the floo sparked and teddy shot out of it like a bowling ball and hit his head on the couch me and draco where on draco opened his eyes fast and looked down on the floor to see teddy on the floor rubbing his head. "good morning to you to son."draco said smiling he sat up so he was sitting. teddy got up and rolled his eyes "yeah yeah so tell me about this baby thing yeah?" he said i looked at him and smiled."well we are not sure on the gender yet but it will be about 7 or 8 months till their born..." i said he nodded his hair turning a ray of colours from excitement. "now tell use about you little crush" draco said sitting back into the couch rubbing his stomach. " i have to?" teddy asked his hair turning lite pink he was blushing now and it was funny to me. " well i like her yeah but i wasn't going to ask her out until tomorrow because its her birthday she will be 12." teddy said and he got up and looked at draco. "you don't look like your pregnant dad" teddy said sitting next to draco looking at his very small bump. "i am though you will be able to tell soon trust me. now i'm pretty sure you have class soon so get going okay son." draco said with that tedd went into the floo and left. 


Teddy pov

I got back to school and pulled out my phone an put my headphones in my parents didn't know about phones like this, but in the muggle world their the most popular thing right now me and vic both had one we both found music we like the music i liked was either metal rock or pop punk her's was about the same but she like evanescence more then the others i liked. i put on falling in reverse and clicked on the drug in me is reimagined  

i was walking down the hall just drowning in the song letting myself feel the music i went to my dorm and i found vic sitting on my bed she was just looking down mumbling things and i was confused. i went to her and put my hand on her shoulder she flinched and looked at me with tears in her eyes i sat next to her and held her. "whats wrong vic??" i asked she stopped to breath and she sat up. "t-t-they k-killed m-my c-cat.."she said and buried her face into my chest i held her she finally calmed down. "who did vic?" i asked she looked at me "t-the slytherin girls they said i was weasley trash and killed him in front of me they killed oreo..." she said quietly she was stunned and i could tell numb she had some depression like i did but i think she was worse then me i had mostly anxiety. " don't worry ill make them pay for what they did and said to you okay" i said she nodded and i got up i let her lay on my bed and i went to the slytherin common room to find the girls that hurt my victoria (i am aware her name is victorie but she prefers victoria in my book also a lot of violence coming up so beware!!!) my hair was blood red when i seen them smiling and giggling like little monsters i pulled out my wand and turned the couch they where sitting on to face me they seen me and smiled. "sup little potter you gonna hurt use or are you going to go off and die like your real mommy and daddy" one of them said at this my hair started to flame with fire and my powers got stronger i used my wand to lift up the couch they where on and i put it all the way up the the ceiling and dropped the couch not caring about then crying to be let down. the couch hit the floor and it broke on impact the girls hit the floor and i left my hair still on fire and after that day my hair stayed black only to change colour when i felt true emotions. 


Draco pov

"He cant get expelled! he just has problems with his magic and you know this mionie!!" harry yelled teddy was sitting in the back of the room he looked almost dead this was not a good thing his powers where so strong they made him go dark like his true colours now faded into the darkness of himself. "look harry i can keep him here but he is not allowed to be by any slytherins at all until next year he is forbidden to be by them and if he is he will be removed from the school. he will also have to take potions to keep his magic at a minimum until he can manage it on his own." she said i sat next to teddy his hair was black and it had a few red streaks in it. "ted are you going to be okay?" i asked he looked at me "do i look like it dad?!" he spit harry walked over and looked at teddy. "don't speak to your dad like that you hear?!" harry said teddy looked at him and said nothing i got up and harry put his arm on my waist and i rested my hand on my stomach hermione noticed this and looked confused. "i'm pregnant.." i said simply she nodded and smiled at that we went home and teddy went to his dorm for the rest of the day. 

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