a great day

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Draco pov

it has been a great month so far other then me throwing up every so often in the morning and having minor stomach aches but it was not so bad. harry an i where in the living room, harry was reading and i was  cuddled to his side. "dray?" harry asked quietly looking away from his book and at me with his emerald eyes. "yeah?" i asked closing my eyes feeling my stomach turn a little. it was nausea from something but i figured i was getting sick or over a bug. "are you okay you feel tense" he said rubbing my arm farthest from him."yeah just nausea..."i said shortly he sighed and put his book down, he pulled me closer and picked me up bridal style and carried me to are shared room he laid me down and got in on his side he then pulled me closer. "are you more comfortable?"he asked in a way to me it didn't matter either way i would still feel this upstairs or down stairs. but for him he wanted the best for me."yeah i'm fine" i said and breathed slowly trying to make the feeling in my stomach go away when finally i had to run to the bathroom to throw up i was lucky i had one in are room, i was hunched over the white bowl and emptying everything in my stomach no shorter then 1 second harry was rubbing my back calming me down. "okay its been a month im giving you a check up" he said bluntly but i could tell he was extremely worried and scared for me. i wiped my mouth and rinsed out my mouth with water i didn't want to brush my teeth only because it would be brushing acid into them instead of cleaning them. harry walked me to are bed and i laid down he did a few spells to check my head and every little thing on my body he finally got to my stomach and did an odd spell that showed him the inside of it through a picture but when i looked up at his face his eyes where huge. "h-harry? what's wrong?!" i said panicked and freaking out he stopped doing the spell and leaned on his knees onto the bed i looked at him with concern he placed his had on my lower abdomen and smiled. "we are having a baby dray.." he said in amazement i was shocked and didn't say a word my mind was going a 1000 miles an hour as to how and why this happened. "are you sure it's a baby?" i asked he nodded but his eye's did not move from my stomach he gently rubbed his thumb over my lower stomach. "yes its 100% a baby in their draco and it's are's it's are baby.."he said i smiled i wasn't ready for this but i had nine months to get ready for this. harry grabbed my hand and placed it on my lower stomach it felt harder then the rest of it, it was normally a bit softer but it was harder their was definitely a baby in me. "do we mail teddy?" i asked he looked  up at me and crawled to where the pillows where he pulled me closer an kissed my cheek  over and over. "we can mail him yes, he need's to know about this," harry said softly i looked down at my stomach i was scare no doubt but i was happy to me and harry had been together for 10 years and got married 7 years ago if anything this is great timing since harry no longer works at the school after are last year he quite he needed to be with me and teddy more. "hay you have me we will be okay darling just have to take care of you and make sure you get potions so you and the baby are healthy yeah?" he said looking at me i looked up at him when i got a small sharp pain in my stomach i winced and harry got worried. "whats wrong honey?" he said "just having some pain in my stomach im sure its normal considering my condition...." i said and i felt it go away "okay we should go to st. mungo's then." he said to me he got up and held out his hand."do you want to change close before we go or are you okay in your pajamas?" he asked as i took his hand. "ill stay in my pajamas im comfortable for the most part.." i said placing a hand on my stomach harry knew what i meant and he smiled and he kissed my lips. "i know its uncomfortable for you right now but lets go and i'm sure we will be back home in an hour okay?"he said to me pulling me to his side cuddling me. and at that we went to st. mungo's 

-----------------at hogwarts-----------------

Teddy pov 

so far my classes where fun and me and vic had gotten closer we where best friends no doubt  she was very pretty though i knew one day she would be my wife yeah i was 12 well since yesterday i have been 12 anyways, vics birthday is coming up next week and i wanted to make her a cake and a small two person party she didn't talk to really anyone other than me i think she should but things happen ya know. "ted?" vic said coming into my room i looked at her and she smiled. "yeah vic?' i asked she sat on my bed and grabbed my hand i squeezed her hand back and she smiled. "you exited for your birthday?" i asked looking at her smiling "yeah i am" she said, suddenly my owl came to the window with a letter i opened the window and took the letter from him i sat on my bed and opened it.


your dad and i are happy to tell you you are gong to have a baby brother or sister in about 8 months consider this a birthday present along with your many others that are coming this week. p.s tell victorie she will have a gift coming from use as well, and don't forget to ask her out!. love harry

i looked at it in disbelief how did my father know about me liking her and how the hell did he knock up my dad. "wow i had no clue you liked me ted you and your dad have a thing for blonds don't cha" she said i blushed and my hair went to a light pink. "yeah you can say that..." i said she smiled and left. i set the not down and laid on my bed sage came up and laid on my chest she was a kitten but she had beautiful dark purple fur hence her name sage it reminds me of  the colour purple she was going to out live me see these cat's live till 100 years old and they never die before then unless their killed by something so i knew she was going to be with me for a long long time. she looked at me with her pretty magenta eyes and she fell asleep on my chest like she normally does at this time at night i fell asleep shortly after.

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