2 | meeting Kriag again

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Happy reading (:

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Happy reading (:

(I love this man smiling....aww such a pretty smile💜💜💜)


"Hey! Gray hoodie wait up."

I turned around to find my other best friend, Acute West calling upon me in the corridor like addressing a complete stranger. All I wanted to do was shout at him that I had a beautiful five letter name.

"How much was the ransom?"

"Acute Good Afternoon to you also. Just a sneaky breakfast in the morning. Was sup?"

Breakfast is referred as the morning meal for a reason.

My bitchy subconscious really didn't knew the right time to be sensible at all, was it a requirement to mention my low vocabulary knowledge at the moment?

"Before you turn all snarky and fierce I am letting you know today we have a football match and you are asked for your gracious presence at the stadium."

I groaned loudly, realising how much a stupid thing I have done signing up for the live commentary of my house matches, absolutely I love doing it but today was not the day. I was in my hideout from Dad and I still have to meet my editing member from Fifeteen for the approval of some catalogs.

Life surely sucks.

"What is with that long face Vhrea?"

"Huh- Man! Don't do that, you know my mom is literally ready to set me up with you."

I had to shout-exclaim because his concerned hands were playing hide seek of level five with my hair and even by mistake if somebody clicks us like this, then send a picture to my mother it is going to be a disaster of awkward dates with my only guy best friend.

"Miss Ashtrick, my eyes are blessed to finally see you?"

The day was definitely sucking. All because of seeing the asshole Mendel face in the morning!

It was definitely no intelligent mistake in recognizing Prof Sunder Matre, our dean for the academic year. And when this man in his subtle late forties with always a frown hanging on his freckled white face comes in search of you, particularly in a giant campus like this then it is not a sign of auspicious.

"Prof Matre."

I and Acute said at the same to which he gave a subtle nod to Acute which was such a sign of respect because Professor isn't found of addressing people but for some reasons he finds my best friend so intriguing , maybe because they wear the same brand underwears is what Lyle said once upon a time.

"Young man, don't wander around. I like your attendance percentage and Miss Ashtrick, how about helping me with some files in my office?"

Acute nodded like a puppy with a smile and turned to me, he whispered an all the best as if I was going to fight a war all alone which was a truce percent true because Prof Matre's office was no less than a war zone.

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