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i was putting on my clothes, checking the time, 15 minutes passed by

i looked at the boy i had just fucked and immediately after finishing i regretted it


i looked back and saw the boy trying to sit up, he let out a groan, staying in the same place he was before

"where are you going?"

"back to work, where else?"

"hmm, okay!"

the boy said cheerfully and well i couldn't help but smile, i bent down to grab the keys that had fallen under the couch

and once i grabbed them i was face to face with the boy

"i'll see you whenever..."

was all i said before giving in-su a small smile, i quickly got out of there and just mentally slapped himself

"what the fuck is wrong with me?!"

i ruffled my hair, quickly making my way out of there and going back to the store, sighing as i made my way in

"what took you so long, hyung?"

"first one took too long to answer, the second one had a hard time remembering if her order was correct, and the third one couldn't find the money"

i said, i hated lying to jisung, but it was the only thing that i could say instead of randomly saying: "oH yEaH, i ToOk FoReVeR cAuSe' I wAs FuCkInG sOmE dUdE, bEcAuSe He DiDn'T hAvE mOnEy"

i just shrugged it off and went into the back for some water

"jaemin hyung, was looking for you"

i nodded, but i felt like shit cause it felt like i cheated on jaemin, but we aren't even together so it can't be that bad if i just told him happened,


"jeno hyung, you okay?"

"o-oh yeah, i was spacing out again"

jisung nodded innocently and they immediately got back to work, doing as much as they could before they closed

the place was packed and by the time it closed, it was an hour later than usual

"so many customers came, it's more than usual"

"maybe taeyong has someone promoting us, better than the other boss"

i looked at him and just shrugged, taeyong left and we were left to clean, as we finished i went for a choke hold towards jisung but he quickly went away

"how long until chenle comes back?"

"i think like three more days"

we quickly closed up the store and headed our separate ways, saying the usual thing of seeing each other tomorrow

time skip

i sat in my kitchen, staring at nothing, all i could think of was a way of how i could tell jaemin that i had sex with another

he didn't want to but he had to, because he would feel bad if he didn't, so he made up his mind and decided to wait another day until he would actually called jaemin

snapping out of his thoughts, there was a knock at the door, he looked at it suspiciously and then got up

once he did he was surprised

"in-su what are you doing here?"

"i wanted to be with you..."

"how'd you even find me"

"i have my ways"

the boy giggled and he i just stared at him in disbelief, the other boy let himself in making himself comfortable

"it's late, maybe you should go him, i have work tomorrow"

but the boy didn't move and smiled, jeno was getting annoyed, but he had to stay calm

he sat on the couch and in-su would move closer, which ended up with jeno cuddling him

but all jeno could think of was that night when he and jaemin were here, while he was getting sucked

but that was thrown out once he remembered that he still had to tell jaemin what happened

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