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I ran down stairs to catch the taxi, his constant honking was a warning that he was about to leave me. I grumbled to myself and grabbed my duffle back off of the floor. "Good bye home.', I got downstairs, pouting, I was very upset. Opening the door I grumbled staring at the sky noting the clouds were gloomy, perfect with my matching sadness, really my soul ached. I hated the fact we had to move, all because of my coming of age. I'm supposed to meet another shifter and he takes me as a wife. Blah blah. Your average werewolf story right..not this one. This when thing is ruining my life.  I slowly walked the bags off of the porch, setting the bags into the backseat i got in and buckled my seat belt. I guess my mom saw how smug my face was and she frowned. "Oh Miha, we are going to be in a good place around, you're almost 21 so you must sniff around the pack and meet new friends. " I listened to her and nodded. "You could at least try to see the reasons that we are moving you, to protect you and us. If one of these humans saw you shift they would die and rage war on us. I didn't care about humans or anyone that knew about us being different. I was losing my friends." I let out a huff breath. Every stinking fact was right, every word that came out of her mouth I understood clearly.. Being selfish could possibly ruin me and my family's life. I frowned again. She was right.  I couldn't imagine being killed because of my shifter side. I became quiet, lost in thought. " Sweetie, I appreciate you understanding. We will be with you through all of this.  Well, i will, you'll be in heat after you mate comes around." I sighed. The sound of the mating just didn't sound fun. I get a whole another person who is supposed to love me. But what if I didnt want a mate?. "Baby, look just relax, start with mingling around, working out the gym, making friends." The enthusiasm of my mother was killing me. I was literally going to be sick. Slowing, my dad saved the day stopping at a convenience store he handed her a black card and released her with a kiss. I watched her walk to the building and he turned to me. "Dear please try to see the good in what we are doing please. For you mother.." I listened I was always a daddy's girl she knew I could never say no the best daddy ever. "I will dad, honestly I am excited I'm excited to fit in to. Finally." He nodded. No one ever really knew of the problems for being different at school there were many but still, trauma leaves marks in different ways.

'That's good babygirl. He kissed her head and handed her black card with a list for him." She smiled.,"get whatever , happy early birthday.' She nodded to her dad leaving the car and went into the store, she picked up hot cheetos, Pringles, trail mixes, chips,breakfast sandwiches and burritos. She wandered go through the drink aisle and picked up a couple different flavors and two 24 packs.

The store clerk looked at her quickly ringing up the food items which she paid with another card and packs of beer. Her dad met her at the door to help, get everything in the truck, soon everyone was back at,the truck for listening to music and munching on snacks.


Another burst of thunder shook the ground. Ariya woke up, unaware of her surroundings but she knew she was in the car. " Get her to a room and, I'll bring our luggage in love." My mom done as she he told us.
I know I was half asleep but  boy this house was huge, it only the three of us and this was built for twenty. I rubbed my eyes and stretched as my mom stood beside me. "A beauty right?" I nodded. "Gorgeous."  I smiled as she unlocked the door. As well walked about the mansion each room was decorated beautiful with king postal beds and thick embroidery quilts, also drapped curtains that had to be pulled back manually. The rooms were huge, each one different. I picked out the master bed room on the third floor while my mom and dad held the master room on the second floor. I was taken to heaven when we walked into the bathroom, a  walk in shower, and a huge bathtub led into a small walk

in closet. It held your basic bathing body washes, a few scented and another for sensitive skin. Her eyes met the different colors of candles, scented reds of apples and cinnamon, fresh linens, and a passion fruit one. She held closely to the yellow one that smelled of mango and pineapple. running her fingers over the pastel plush towels her mood slightly lifted. Possibly it wouldn't be so bad. "This is yours." She turned around and her mother took her hand and gave her a small pink and black bag, unzipping it, in the light, the shine of a set of keys, a pink MasterCard, and a few other items set in the bottom. "Thank you mom."

"You're welcome honey, she kissed her cheek and left the room letting her wonder around the new place.


A few hours later I kept being woken up by a scratching noises on my window panel. I had ignored the first then i went to my window and opened it, my eyes caught sight of russet black color. He had a patch of red at the corner of his ear and I looked at it, not afraid or moving, just a really intense curiosity. Swearing their eyes met briefly she stepped back and it left out a howl, so loud it left her ears ringing.

Moving away from the window she caught her breath and smiled at the thought of a another shifter coming to meet and make friends. She got her flip flops on and walked down stairs, going out the door and around her house quietly
stopping as she grew close to the window panel she saw the claws mark deep but not threatening, lightly only in a way of saying hello, she grabbed the panel to check it out and a piece of thick paper fell out.

She picked it up, uncrumpling the note she read it.

"Welcome to the neighborhood, 345-567-7780
Robin is the name. I'm a member of the pack, I'll introduce you at a party tomorrow if you want to.

I left the question hanging in the air for a moment. I didn't exactly know anyone here so why not. She pulled out her phone and added the number in "Yes I'll go, be here by 7."

Robin- Awesome, see you then girl. Also wear something sexy.

She stared at the message and nodded. At least she got the memo and had enough clothes to choose from. Yawning she went into the house took a shower. She let the water wash over her and let out a deep breath. She was so tired. Yawning deeply she went and locked her windows again and got to sleep. Quicker this time, there's was no one to bother her now, she slept peacefully knowing she had made a new friend.

Hi, thank you for reading this chapter. I know it's a little short. They would get longer love! Please comment and vote!  Also I'd like to know your thoughts, drop some ideas on what you would like to happen.



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