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I closed the book that held the council and their harsh criticism. I didn't need this, all of this hard work I had put into this and now it was all going to come crashing down. I couldn't stand it. I was so angry that I had began to rage and roll in vengeful thoughts, over flowing with malicious intent. I picked up the book and threw it across the room, I opened the drawers to my desk and sprayed the folders into the air, the papers flowing out all over the floor. Noone knew the real story, everything was this or that and other rumors. I sighed and picked the picture of my fully grown son and frowned, I was sure this was a horror story for him. I was thinking of ways to bump into him and then I smiled as the son was getting married soon.  I was going to have to pay a visit to my sister, and her over protective husband. I waved my hand and the papers were stacked back neatly on my desk. I smiled my power had grown, I remember have to clear the papers in sections once upon a time. I sat down at my desk and flipped through my book. I was so upset, I frowned seeing there was noone there for me to unleash my anger out on, and decided that maybe it was for the best. I walked over to the table and picked up the clear diamond bottle that held a liquor mixed with wine. She poured herself a glass and sat down with it, her mind reeling in ideas on how to one show up for to her sisters door after so many years and two get close to her son to wear she can atleast tell him her side, she knew she couldn't conceal all of the past or hush the rumors that were spreading but it had to be done. It there was anytime to show up at mommy all in his life it would be now, while he new and still fresh, her dark emerald pendalum around her neck began to change colors. It was from a dark blue to half if pink and a dust gray.

She had never seen these two colors before, not together like any how. This meant he had not only honed some of his power, it also meant his mate had truly accepted him, and that they loved eachother. This warmed her heart, and made her glad.

She smiled, there was a possibility she could get to know him and even grow to form a bond with him. Even though it might have been late, hope still resided in him. She was sure everything would be okay, after all she knew with her sister raising him he had to be reasonable and respectful, even angry her sister could throw valid and respectful blows that hurt and then she would apologize, shift and run it off.

She let her buzz sink in and she poured another cup and then another, she had picked up her phone and brought up her sister's name on the screen. She stared at the screen trying to convince herself that one conversation couldn't possibly hurt, it was her sister after all. Her eyes began to shift back and forth between her phone and the glass, and she threw the drink back, swallowed hard, the fire igniting her throat. She smiled and pressed send, letting the dial tone ring and connect.

She was about to hang up when her sisters calm voice floated over the other end.

"Hi Sister." Her voice full of concern but delightful.

"Hello. Please hear me out." I spoke quickly almost begging.

"I will listen, you act as if I'm angry with you, we talk once atleast every two weeks." Emilia spoke. The guilt was pouring off her sister from over the phone, their shaman powers burning together, this was fine honing for the both of them, the boost needed. So many things she wanted to ask.

"Can I talk to him, wait,the shock of it all happened does he know?" I asked, sounding sad. I knew I was a horrible person and an even worse mom.

"I told him the truth last weekend and he actually wants to meet you, he thinks your dead but Kamil is clearing that up right now, also I want you to come to the wedding, it would be a good time to come meet my new son on law and get to know the pack." She sounded like I was already there, being accepted and getting to know my son. I smiled at the thought.

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