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The sound of something cracking woke him up, sitting up he saw he needed a new bed frame, this one had cracked from his massive growth overnight. He picked up the fluffy pillow embroidered in black lace then turned over,  facing the window when the sensation of the mate pull with light hints of warm vanilla crept into his senses. It was like a childhood memory hugging you on a bad day from the past. He wanted to bathe in the aroma, if drowning was possible he'd no longer breathe. "You know it already." His wolf greeting him, his voice thick, coated in a dew of sleep. "She's been around here. Somewhere." He glanced at the clock and saw it was only 5:47am. "Maybe she's a runner." Morning jogs were definitely his thing to. He felt a bit of heat coming from below. She sounded hot already. Images popped in mind of him and whatever his heart imagined. "Go shower. " his wolf spoke up, "Cold shower." He laughed and headed into the bathroom. She was already making him hot and bothered, teasing, he hadn't even graced her presence yet.  Kyro took over, thoughts changing, showing his form. ~

"We are going on a run this morning too. We need to exercise and hone our new strength, and power. " They would definitely be visiting the gym later. He listened to his wolf give them a to do list as he fixed his water and flexed his muscles a bit his confidence high, he admired how good he looked from all angles in the three way mirror. He had become more leanly built, this only added to the biceps, his triceps showed off the harder work he had put in during his sessions and after. He smirked, feeling slightly above himself, bold he knew already how hard he could pack a punch.  His mind drifted off into a past training session with a past friend, as he remembered the first boy he ever knocked out, with only four hits, and that was him taking it easy, his beta called it having mercy. He laughed at himself and hopped in the shower. The chill of the cold water both refreshing and energizing gave him an extra boost for the day, he watched the soap run down the drain, the thoughts of his mate started to creep in slowly. Kyro growled annoyingly.  "Nope, we need to go run, this power surge needs an outlet." Defeated but understanding he stood under the water, he was fine with being turned off right now, he would see her later at the party anyway. "Fine okay,I get it." He turned the shower off after rinsing off his torso, the water droplets rolled down his eight pack,  he grabbed a towel and dried off putting on boxers and a pair of gray Nike running shorts, slipping his running shoes on, he was soon out the house and onto the path to the pack house. As he picked up the pace of a jog he could feel the power surfing through his veins, it as if he had a direct link with his wolf and the wolf god. "Easy, we are already moving faster than normal, this stealth was unmatchable, he loved being an Alpha more than ever at this moment. He could feel each movement he made, he glided with every step he took.

"I could get used to this, this feels fortifying, whereever our mate is, she's a beast, imagine how she's going to feel once she starts to feel the mate pull. " kyros images flowed into his thought form. "I know man, I can't wait to meet her. All this scenting her and feeling her only makes me want to be an even better Alpha."And Daddy." His wolf truly wanted a family and he did to. To finally live the happily ever after as an Alpha, it hasn't been easy this far but its been worth it, even now all of the waiting.
The subject needed to be changed a sense of sadness over came him then disappeared, sharing the mutual feeling with a constant pull to a mate so close but so far away. He wanted to reach out and touch her, sometimes he felt as if he'd never meet her, its been so long since he became alpha he could barely remember the day he was crowned, normally you meet your mate by then, during that time your bond will grow you two together. He didn't have one. There was no one to greet him afterwards, no one to enjoy the suite with, trips out of town with, rage was all he could feel. Embarrassed of his rite he ran away for months at a time, leaving the pack in the car of his beta and dad. He ran many miles hoping to catch a glimpse, a scent, looking for her,  a her that finally showed up years later, after a lot of death and right before he gave up. 

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