Chapter 31: Aoi's self monologue ~Demons are good~

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These past days I feel as if everything is happening so fast. Starting from Arzen getting attacked, Kii and Angela disappearance, Lexy-san who was still on a secret mission... He would be devasted when he finds out that Arzen was hurt and Kii was kidnapped on his absence.

It was small luck that Uncle Raselle gave us the stone that time, with that we can contact him immediately for help, but the time for his arrival was a bit late. By then, Kii was already disappeared. Uncle said that he had a suspicion about what spell was used on Arzen, but something is bugging him because the effect is not supposed to make him sleep for long.

Uncle explained that the trace of the magic showed him that the spell was a type of healing magic that normally used to someone who was under influence of a dark spell. It was not purification magic, it was more like to remind the person about their dream and desire, about home and love, about their longing. So, it shouldn't make Arzen like this.

We all know what is Arzen dream, desire, longing, love and home. He already has it all, normally it shouldn't even affect him. Well, except if there is actually something else that we don't know about Arzen.

His explanation makes me remember my conversation with Arzen at The Ethervizh. This Arzen is someone else before he is Arzen. Perhaps, there was something else that he wants from his past life?

Speaking of it, I still haven't asked Kii about this Portgas D Ace person. Who was he really? I only know that he was a pirate. What else? What was his dream? Did he have a lover in past life too? Did he still love her (if he has)? What about his family? Wait, maybe he even had a wife and children there? Maybe his desire was to be with them again? Then, how about Kii? Did he love them more than Kii? 

Holy Ether! How old was he when he died? If he was an adult then, is that meant that he is really, really old now?

No, no, no, what am I talking about at a time like this? It's not the time to think about something meaningless like this. I should have thinking about how to wake him up and how to find Kii. It's more important.

Well, that was what I think. We work hard to wake him up unsuccessfully. We tried everything we can think of without result. Days after days we live in worry about him and Kii. Then, some hope shines on us when we finally able to found Kii's trace. Arzen, that shitty Prince, after we spend our best effort to wake him up just woke up by himself like it was nothing. 

That guy is really weird. Somehow it makes me feel complicated. I was glad that he was fine and finally wake up. His body and mind are fine. He didn't lose any strength. The side effect is only his magic who he seems to have a hard time to control because it is stronger than before. 

Yeah, I was glad. Yet, somehow I had this urge to shake him up and told him to 'give back my worry for you from before'.

What the hell? He seems okay. We were worried about him for nothing. I can tell that Arren Nii-sama feels the same as me.

Looking at Arzen as we prepared to teleport, I can't help but smile. As irritated as I'm at him, 'Good job coming back to us, Arzen, you idiot prince!' that sentence still come to my mind.

I'm really glad he is back.

The situation escalates quickly as we arrived. As I thought, we were able to trace Kii because she was escaped the kidnapper. That's my girl, good job Kii!

We watch stunned as Kii was blasted by the enemy. I froze for a second before I was able to get hold of myself again. It's not the time to recall the past. Kii is here. I have to protect her. 

I saw Arzen got to her, so I take care of the other enemies around us. I trust Arzen. He will protect her as well as I do.

Looking at them embracing like that make me feel proud of my own decision. I know I did the right thing. Kii must be so worried about him. She was like that, even when herself is in danger, she will always care about her loved one more. 

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