Chapter 13

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Trina's POV
Oh my god, why wasn't she waking up.. This was not the result I was expecting. I mean come on my best friend just passed out on me just from me shifting. Turning my head I looked at my mate and whined since I was still in wolf form. Luke looked at me and smiled softly. "Shift back baby there is no point in staying in that form". I walked away a little and shifted back to my human form, after putting my clothes back on I went over and sat down on Luke's lap to cuddle up with him. When his arms went around my waist i let out a sigh and relaxed into his embrace. "When is she going
to wake up babe, I need my best friend". I heard Luke sigh and shake his head, "I don't know baby, just give her time, Jace is almost here, he will know what to do". At the mention of Jace my eyebrows raised, I forgot about that, I wonder if he was her mate. I mean he was really concerned about her, but he won't mention anything. As I was thinking back to past years I noticed Aaron pulling into the driveway. "Can anyone tell me why we are so worried about diner bitch, I mean seriously she is no one, just forget her". Hearing that I growled and got into Aaron's face. "Listen here you jerk, that is my best friend, I don't care what happened to you guys in the past but you better respect her in front of me, or I swear I will beat you.". In the middle of my rant another car pulled up, hoping it was Jace we all turned towards the driveway only to see Sarah the witch climb out of her car. Why the hell is she here.
Jace's POV:
Arriving just in time I ran over to see what was happening. "Ok, I am here what happened from the beginning". Trina and Luke looked at me weird and Aaron looked at me as if I was nuts. "Umm bro Kylie's stepmom is here, do you want the edited version....or.." I cut Aaron off looking at Britt and Nicole's mother. "would you mind heading back home ma'm we have got this under control". Kylie's stepmom looked and me with a glare after telling me off for sending her away and walked away. When she was finally gone I turned back to my friends. "Now who wants to explain to me what happened, from the beginning?" I looked to Trina hoping she would, but she just looked down at the ground. Oh well onto my next target. Looking at Luke he sighed and started the tale. After hearing that Trina shifted in front of Kylie, which is what made her faint I had to admit I laughed. Not because of the fact that my mate fainted but because that was my reaction when I first saw my dad shift. Me and my mate were really made for each other. Now all I have to do is get her to wake up somehow.
Sarah's POV
HOW DARE THAT BOY SEND ME AWAY LIKE THAT! WHAT GIVES HIM THE RIGHT TO DO THAT. I will get down to the bottom of what ever is going on. No one and I do mean no one has ever sent me away like that before, and I will not let that slide.
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