Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

Kylie's POV:
Instead of going home I decided to chill out and continued to walk around the neighborhood. After about 10 minutes of just walking around I found myself at the old park that me and my dad used to go to. I walked over and sat down on the swings to help relax myself, however that only made a lot of things worse for me. The events of the last two days have been slowly catching up with me. How is it that Trina just abandon a years long friendship in a blink of an eye. That didn't make any sense to me, so after a half an hour of just sitting in the park I decided to go and talk to her. Getting up from the swingset I was at I started the 15 minute walk back towards Trina's house. This talk I had decided was going to end in either two ways, I would either get my best friend back or I would walk away friendless. I was really hoping for the first result because if I had lost Trina for good, I would only be down to an internet friend only and even though I care about wolfpoet I had to have a friend I could actually talk to. Finally I arrived at her house and I was glad to see her car was in the driveway. I made my way over to her door and knocked about three times. The door was finally opened by none other then her older brother Matthew. I was a little shocked that he was home because the last time I was over Trina's she told me he had just left for college. "Oh look who it is, little miss Kylie has shown her beautiful self at my beloved home" Matthew said with a smirk. I couldn't help but laugh a little, "Very smooth Matt, now if you don't mind can you let me through I need to talk to Trina about something very important." I said with a small smile on my face. Matt moved slightly and watched me head towards the stairs. "I wouldn't go upstairs if I were you, Trina has a guy over and who knows what is going on up there." I grimaced but then realized what he said. "Who is the guy?! I had no idea she even had a boyfriend." I said pretty torn up about the fact that my best friend left me out of something that was supposed to be a huge deal between us. Matt shrugged and walked off without even answering my question. I decided to take my chances and sneaked up the stairs towards her room. However instead of barging in like I was usually used to doing I knocked on the door. I met with her voice coming through the door telling me to give her a minute, When she finally opened the door I was met with a small frown which is what I was kind of expecting, but it didn't hurt any less. "Kylie, what are you doing here? I told you we couldn't hang out anymore." She said trying not to look me in the eye. "Trina I need you ok, I have had something happened to me and I don't know how to explain it, and to top it off Jace invited me to a party tonight!" She gasped and pulled me into the room further and slammed it shut behind me. I came to face the mystery man that was currently sitting on her bed who just happened to be Jace's best friend Luke. "Hey babe can you give us a few minutes to talk I will call you back up when we are done." She said to him very sweetly, Luke nodded and started to get up off the bed and kissed her on the cheek before heading out the door. "Trina before I talk can you explain to me why Luke Thompson is in your house and why you just called him babe? When did you guys start dating."  I asked starting to get very confused. She however shook her head and pointed to the bed, once I sat down she started talking. "I will only answer your questions, AFTER you tell me what exactly happened today because if it is what I think it is I can answer the questions honestly." I sighed slightly only because I was hoping for more time before I explained to her what had happened. However I started to explain the details of my last two days starting after the incident between me and her. Once I was finished explaining she screamed and hugged me. I was actually really shocked but hugged her back. It was actually nice to have my friend back for a moment. 

Trina's POV (starting from the incident) 

I couldn't handle the fact that I had just hurt my best friend. I really hated these rules that kept you away from your friends until they changed. I felt like Jacob from Twilight when he had to lie to Bella about what he was and left her for a little when he learned the truth about what he was. Once I saw her leave with tears in her eyes I almost cried until my mate Luke Thompson came over to comfort me. "Babe I know it's hard what you just did but it is neccessary, she will forgive you once she understands why you did what you did. Come on we will be late for class, afterwards I am taking you out for icecream." I smiled and hugged him I couldn't believe I was destined to be with this amazing man for the rest of my life. Once I turned and found him he explained to me why I had a huge crush on him for the longest time. He was my forever and always, and now I get to experience the love my parents have for eachother. A couple of hours later I was heading over to the pack house because Jace wanted to talk to me about something important. As our generations future alpha I was a little nervous to have to talk to him. I got to his house and knocked on the door and was met by our Luna. "Hello Luna, Jace has asked me to come over because he wants to talk to me about something." Our Luna also known as Jace's mother smiled at me and let me in. "He is right upstairs sweety and good luck he is in a bad mood for some reason." I thanked her and headed upstairs. When I knocked on his door I was met with his face in a frown. Needless to say the meeting did not go as well as I hoped. He was mad at how I treated Kylie, which was weird because I didn't even know he knew about her considering he is always with Chloe, but who am I to argue with our future alpha. I walked away from that meeting almost crying and Luke saw me and took me to get icecream like he promised. The next day Kylie never showed up to school, Jace was a nervous wreck which only weirded me out even more. I brought up the subject with Luke and he said that maybe Kylie was his mate, I almost wanted to laugh at that idea but then again maybe it is true. Luke and I went back to my house after school to hang out except my brother was home so it was actually really awkward but decided to watch a movie. We were just getting to a good part when there was a knock at my door. When I opened it was Kylie and she looked a mess, I let her in and she told me what happened and I was excited. She finally turned and now I can be friends with her again. I was so happy I can have my girl-to-girl talks now and with what she told me about Jace it looks like Luke was right, he is her mate! I couldn't wait to have her actually join the pack, but first I have to help her get ready for this party!! 

Jace's POV 

I was hoping that even though what happened tonight Kylie would still make it to the party tonight. It was in her honor of course except she would not know that until she got here of course though. As I was getting ready Trina pack linked me letting me know she was bringing Kylie and that I was in huge trouble when she saw me. I made a face at that, even though she was my future beta's mate, she had no right to talk to me like that. Considering the fact that I barely know her as well, Luke tells me she is amazing but I will judge that for myself. As far as I am concerned she hurt my mate in a way I will never forget. I mean I know the rules and what they say, but she didn't have to go around the rules the way that she did. She was way out of line and handled it the wrong way when dealing with a friend of yours. I promised myself that Kylie would have a great time and I will make that promise come true rather or not I tell her everything tonight. My plan starts in another couple of hours and I was already excited! 



I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, I had a lot of trouble with what I wanted this chapter to be like. Please vote and keep reading. I appreciate all the feedback that I recieve! Tell me what you think of Jace and or Trina. 

Love you all 


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