Ch1: Daddy

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Jungkook stays silent, fists clenched tightly so they stop shaking. He stares at blank space, face expressionless as he dwells on the fact that his brother is dead.

His twin brother is dead.

It doesn't make sense. He keeps on repeating it in his head over and over again like a broken record, Junghyun is dead, Junghyun is dead, Junghyun is dead.


Junghyun is dead. Junghyun is dead. Junghyun is dead. Jungkook furrows his eyebrows at the thought. Why can't he accept it? Why doesn't he feel anything thinking about it? He should feel sad, he wasn't even there with his brother when he passed away, along with his wife in that car crash. His wife was Japanese, so they moved to Japan right after getting married. They had a daughter whom Jungkook has never seen as he wasn't on good terms with Junghyun for years.

And two days ago, the couple died in a car crash, so here's Jungkook and his parents, in Japan, talking to Junghyun's lawyer right before the funeral.



The said man snaps back to reality when a hand touches his, and he looks up to see his mother, face pale and eyebags dark because she hasn't eaten or slept in days. Her hand is shaking, too.

Jungkook gulps and looks at the lawyer. "Yes."

"It's stated that you're the guardian of his daughter," The lawyer says, handing out a paper, "It's Junghyun's wish."

Jungkook takes the paper, blankly staring at it. He doesn't even have the energy to read so he hands it back as soon as he recieves it.


Jungkook stands in silence, gaze focused on the little girl sitting down on the grass. She keeps on drawing circles on the stone. The stone under which her parents are burried.

He opens his mouth to call her, but realizes he doesn't remember her name, so he sighs.

"Hey," He calls.

She looks up at him, eyes wide and sparkling. He knows those doe eyes way too well, so he can't help but smile a little.

"Papa," She says, pointing at the grave, "Korehanan desuka?"

Jungkook squints his eyes. "Can you speak Korean?"

She nods enthusiastically, and speaks in a language familiar to his ears, though with a slight broken accent.

"What's this?" She asks.

Jungkook blinks. "A tombstone."

She frowns. "What's tombstone?"

"Someone's dead," He replies.

"Oh," She says, glancing at the tombstone then back at him. "Who's dead?"

Jungkook freezes, fists clenching as he thinks of what he should say. Should he just tell her her parents are dead? But she's a child. She still has the right to know.

Jungkook shrugs, deciding to keep this conversation for later as he knows he wouldn't know how to deal with a grieving child, if she even understands death. Maybe his mother will be the one to talk to her about it.

"We need to go," He says.

"Where?" She asks.

Jungkook thinks for a second. "Home."

"Okay," She says, standing up.

She reaches to his hand and holds it, swinging their arms as she does so. Jungkook walks with her, eyes on her as she hums to herself while hoping.

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