Ch5: Don't Leave Me

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"I need money."

Jaein, Jungkook's dad, slowly looks up at his son, unamused.

"I thought you had a job," He says calmly.

"I do," Jungkook nods, "It's not enough. I need more for Akari."

His father sighs, taking off his glasses and rubbing the bridge of his nose. "You're aware I pay for your college fees, right?"

"Yeah." He nods, "But I pay for rentㅡ"

"Because you chose to," His father interrupts, "You could've stayed, but you chose to move out and have your own apartment."

"Because I'm an adult."

"A working adult who won't stop asking for money from his parents."

"Honey," Jungkook's mother says to her husband, pausing from braiding Akari's hair who's sitting on her lap, "It's okay. Give him someㅡ"

She suddenly stops, eyes slowly widening as an idea comes to mind. With a smile, she averts her gaze to Jungkook.

"Why don't you let Akari live with us? I'll take care of her," She says, pulling the girl closer.

Akari frowns, looking up at her dad.

"Really? Can I?" He asks, a hint of excitement in his voice.

"Of course!" His mother replies, her smile widening, "I know you're busy with college and work. I stay at home all day so I can take care of her."

"Great," Jungkook gives a small smile, "I'll bring her bags over today."

"You really were waiting to get rid of her, weren't you?" His father raises an eyebrow.

"Honey!" The woman gasps, covering Akari's ears with her hands.

Jungkook stays silent, eyes going back and forth between his parents.

"Papa," Akari says, gently pushing her grandma's hands away, "Koko ni itakunai."

"We talked about this," He says, "No Japanese."

She pouts, crossing her arms.

Sighing, Jungkook slowly walks to the front door of his parent's house, putting on his shoes before a little figure runs over to him.

Akari holds on to his sweatpants, clutching tightly as her eyes fill with tears.

"Don't leave me," She says in a low voice before hugging his leg.

Jungkook averts his gaze to his father, who only raises his eyebrows at him again.

"I'll transfer the money to your account," He says and stands up, slowly making his way to his bedroom.

"Thanks," Jungkook replies, pulling the door open and heads out with the little girl right behind him.


Jungkook silently watches his friend with the girl, huddled together on the couch and watching some cartoon. It's been less than a day and Akari is already attached to Taehyung. It isn't a surprise, though, and it's because Taehyung has always been good with children, thanks to having three siblings, all younger than him.

"How do you do that?" Jungkook asks, a beer can in his hand.

Taehyung turns his head to him. "Do what?"

"Tolerate kids," He says, "They're devils."

Taehyung gasps dramatically, "They're angels!"

Jungkook rolls his eyes, lifting the can to take a sip. Taehyung suddenly gasps again as a thought crosses his mind, and he leans closer, gesturing his friend to do so.

"Hey," He whispers, "Were you serious about the weed?"

Jungkook blinks, glancing at Taehyung's backpack then back at him. "You didn't... "

"I did," Taehyung grins, "Do you want it or not? I'm giving it to you for free 'cause it's your first time. Next time you'll have to pay for the dude who supplies me."

He reaches over for his bag, pulling out a small plastic bag and handing it to Jungkook.

"There won't be a next time," Jungkook says, scanning the bag before stuffing it in his sweatshirt pocket.

"We'll see," Taehyung smirks, "You got rolls?"

"Yeah, I'm pretty sure I got them somewhere."

"Don't do it in front of her," Taehyung glances at Akari.

"I'm not stupid," Jungkook says.

"Of course," Taehyung scoffs, and Jungkook nudges him.


It's a Friday night, and Jungkook can't wait to go home. Unfortunately, it's the time of the week when the restaurant he works at is the busiest, and he usually goes home a little later than usual. Not to mention that there's a "daughter" he can't leave for too long with a woman who probably eats dandelions for breakfast.

"Hey, Jungkook," Hoseok walks out of the kitchen with plates in his hands, "Jin needs you in the back."

Jungkook obliges, scanning the stuffy kitchen for his friend. He starts fanning himself as he walks over to the said guy, who looks up at him with a serious look on his face as pours sauce on a steak.

"I know you'll hate me for this, but I need you to get the dishes," Seokjin says quickly, averting his gaze back to the dish, "It's Friday and I don't want Namjoon breaking any more cups, so I told him to get the cashier instead."

Jungkook frowns, rolling up his sleeves, "What about Yoongi?"

"He left early 'cause he wasn't feeling well. C'mon, off to work."

"Fine," Jungkook says, walking up to the sink and letting out a curse when he sees the amount of dirty plates and cups piled up.

It takes him a good three more hours before he's done and makes his way home, letting out a tired breath once he's inside the elevator. It starts closing when it's stopped by a foot, and a man walks in.

Jungkook recognizes him as the guy on the 8th floor who always has some woman clinging onto his arm. This time, though, he doesn't, although he still reeks of women perfume. Dressed in a leather jacket, tight jeans and black leather boots, the man definitely gives off playboy vibes, if not worse.

"Hey," The guy says, nodding at Jungkook.

"Hi," Jungkook replies.

"I know you," He says, squinting his eyes.

"We're neighbours," Jungkook says, sarcasm dripping off his tongue.

The man chuckles, "No, not that. I saw you at uni."

"Park Jimin," He adds, stretching out a hand, "Business. Senior. For the third time."

Jungkook raises his eyebrows in amusement, but takes the man's hand anyway.

"Jeon Jungkook, IT. Senior for the first and last time, I hope."

Jimin chuckles, running a hand through his dyed pink hair. The elevator stops at the 8th floor, and Jimin walks out, waving his hand at Jungkook as he does so.

Jungkook leans his head on the wall, staring into blank space as the elevator doors close again.

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