Ch3: Cry Now But Only Now

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Akari swings her legs, looking around in boredom. Her dad and the lady in glasses have been talking for a while now and it's getting really exhausting.

This is going to be her new school, her dad told her, but she doesn't seem to like it as everyone she encountered so far speaks Korean. Not that she's not good at it, but Japanese is what she considers her native language, it's what she speaks with at home, what she speaks with at school, and Korean was only for fun as her dad was Korean and wanted her to know the language.

"Papa," She interrupts as a thought crosses her mind. "Are we in Korea?"

Jungkook blinks. "Yes? What did you think we rode the plane for?"

He shakes his head and faces the old woman again, who stares at him in confusion.

"I thought you said you're her uncle," She says in a low voice, leaning closer.

"Well, yes," He pauses, "But she doesn't really think so. You can say my brother and I really look alike, so... "

"We're identical twins," He adds.

The woman nods slowly. "I suggest you let her know."

"I will," He replies, licking his lips. "So I suppose that's all?"

"Yes," She smiles, "That will be it. She can start from tomorrow, and I expect her to be here by seven."

They shake hands before Jungkook heads out, Akari following, running fast to keep up with his long strides. They walk out of the building, down a street and finally into a bus.

The college student clears his throat, preparing himself for the conversation.

"Akari," He calls.

"Yes, papa?" She looks at him.

He licks his lips. "Listen, I'm not your dad."

It takes her a few seconds to respond with a sly smile. "And I'm not Akari."

"No," He says sternly, "This is not a game. I'm serious. I'm Jungkook, and I'm your uncle, so stop calling me papa. I prefer my own name."

The girl tilts her head. "Call you Shunkook?"

"Jungkook," He corrects.




"Jung. Kook."


He groans, burying his face in his hands.

"Papa," She frowns, "Anata wa hendesu."

"I'm not your papa."

"Can I try your glasses?" She bats her eyelashes, leaning closer.

Jungkook sighs. "No you can'tㅡ wait. Your dad didn't wear glasses, right? See? I'm not Junghyun."


"You don't know your father's name?"

"I do."

"What's his name?"


Jungkook breathes in deeply, leaning back in his seat. He purses his lips to hold back a curse, his head already pounding again. How do people deal with children anyway? Akari blinks innocently, witnessing his mini mental breakdown.

"Papa, are you okay?" She asks.

He claps his hands once, sitting up straight and looking at her. "Fine, now that you're living with me, we have to make some rules."

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