Ch4: It Means Light

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Jungkook takes in a deep breath, holding up his hand to knock on the door. His hand freezes midway and he drops it back to his side.

After overthinking the night before, the college student came to the conclusion that he was rude towards the flower lady, not to mention a hypocrite. He lied to Akari, too, anyway.

"Papa?" Akari calls, looking up at him. "What are you doing?"

"I... " He trails off, "We'll just say hello to the flower lady."

"Flower lady?" She asks.

"Yeah," He nods, "That lady you met a couple of nights ago."


The door suddenly swings open, revealing the flower lady in a maxi floral dress and sandals. And of course her infamous flower crown. Jungkook's eyes widen like a deer caught in headlights, mouth opening but no words coming out.

Her face falls a little once she sees him, but she manages to keep a smile when she notices Akari's presence.

"Hello," The woman says in a soft voice, words directed towards the little girl.

"Hello," Akari replies, smiling.

"Hey," Jungkook says and waits until she looks at him, "I... uhh... I want to say sorry."

The lady's eyebrows rise in surprise, as if she didn't see the apology coming at all.

"I don't look like someone who would say sorry, I know, but here I am," He adds, shrugging.

"Let me guess," She says, finally smiling at him, "You want something from me."

"No," He answers immediately, blinks, and speaks again. "Yes."

She hums, shifting her weight on one foot and leaning on the door frame. "And what may it be?"

Jungkook takes in a breath. "Akari finishes school early and I have lectures and a job so can you look after her until I'm back?"

Akari turns her head to him, furrowing her eyebrows and pouting, wondering why he didn't tell her he was going to leave her.

"I'd love to," The woman replies, "But how can you trust your daughter with someone you don't even know the name of?"

Stupidity hits Jungkook like a truck, and only now he senses the lack of logic in his plan. However, he's pretty sure that the only thing he'd be concerned about if he loses Akari is Junghyun's naggingㅡ Oh wait, he's not alive.

"As much as you're creepy you're not suspicious," Jungkook finally says, "I'll come and drop her off afternoon, is that okay with you?"

She nods. "It's fine."

"So your name is... "


Jungkook smiles. "Of course. Should've seen that coming."

Gayeong shrugs before waving at Akari, who waves back, and shuts the door to her apartment.


Akari sits silently on her chair at kindergarten, frowning when she sees unrecognizable letters on the board. The teacher is blabbering Korean, and so are the students, and at some point, it makes Akari's ears hurt.

The bell rings and the students rush to their bags, pulling out lunch boxes and snacks. Akari reaches into her bag and finds it empty. Right, her mother isn't here to pack her food.

With hesitant steps, she walks towards a group of girls and boys, giggling and chatting.

"Hello," She says.

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