Ch2: Flower Lady

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Akari averts her gaze from the TV to Jungkook, a small pout on her lips.

"Not sleepy," She says.

"Well, you have to sleep. We're searching for a school for you early morning."

She frowns. "But I have a school."

"Well, yeah, we're in a different country, so go and sleep."

She stands up, slowly walking towards him. Standing in front of him, she looks up and pulls her lips into a wide grin, showing her set of teeth.

Jungkook doesn't respond, looking down at her blankly.

She waves her arms around.


"Brush, brush," She says, clenching her fist and moving it sideways beside her face.

It takes Jungkook a few seconds to understand her gesture.

"Oh," He says, "You want to brush your teeth."

She nods.

"And do you know how to do that on your own?" He asks.

She nods again. "Watashi wa ōkina on'nanokodesu!"

"Good for you, now go get your brush."

She scrambles to her small red backpack, fiddling in it and pulling out an octopus stuffed toy and her toothbrush.

She runs to the bathroom and stops midway, turning to look at Jungkook.

"Let's gooo!" She says and he follows.

After forcing him to brush his teeth with her, and answer her questions of whether she brushed her teeth well or not, they finally head to bed. Jungkook covers her with the blanket, then proceeds to leave before she calls him.

"Papa?" She says.

He sighs, turning back around. "What?"

"Goodnight kiss," She says softly. "You forgot."

"Fine," He walks towards her, quickly pecking her forehead before turning around again.


Jungkook groans. "What?"

"I sleep alone?"

"Yes you do, goodnight."

And with that, he walks out of the bedroom, but he leaves the lights on in case she gets scared.

Jungkook throws himself on the couch, gazing at the ceiling. It's been a very long day, with too many events going on. He's also got college in two days. There's a little girl in his bedroom who thinks he's her father, who just died a couple of days ago. How will he even manage to go on like that?

He barely has enough money to feed himself and pay his rent for the month, let alone a child with all her necessities. Not to mention that he's out of home the whole day, so who'll look after her when he's gone? Definitely not the crazy lady next door with her flowers obsession. Or the flirt on the 8th floor who reeks of women all the time. Should he hire a babysitter then? That would cost money, though.

With a million thoughts running through his head, Jungkook finds it hard to sleep, and an hour or two later, he hears small footsteps before a little girl with an octopus toy stands in front of him.

Jungkook sits up when he notices her tear-stained cheeks and red nose. She sniffles, her lips quivering.

"Why are you crying?" He asks, his voice laced with worry.

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