chapter 1

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Austria was sitting in his livingroom with a needle in his hand as he did his handiwork making a scarf. He had pricked his fingers many many times while doing this so he had to be very careful. He felt, anxious. You see this was the first time Germany was allowing micronations to attend a world meeting and of course it had to be in Vienna. He hadn't planned on taking Kugelmugel with him, he didnt even plan on telling the boy. But of course Englands little boy just had to get excited about it at a micronation "meeting" and Kugelmugel begged for Austria to take him. And he couldn't say no when Kugelmugel pleaded like that. "Ow" he said and retracted his hand to shake it as if that would relive the pain.

Kugelmugel was busy in his room with a smile on his face. He had found some sort of old painting in the basement and Austria said he could fix up. He could tell the man in the painting was his father, yet he couldn't figure out who the woman in the yellow dress was. Austria didn't tell him either. He ran a cotton swab over the nose of the woman with a huge grin in his face. He was restoring the art and that made him feel happy. "Now where is- ah" he went to the other end of his room to snag a bottle of deluded rubbing alcohol and started cleaning up the frame.

Kugelmugel yawned quietly and stretched. He picked up a tiny chisel and started chipping away at the years worth of dust that was in each and every crevasse of the brass frame. That was untill his phone started ringing. He quirked an eyebrow and headed over to get his phone from his night table. He hated the way the plastic tarp crunched under his feet but he hated wearing shoes more so hed just have to deal with the unfairness. He smiled seeing the contact was his good friend Ladonia.

"Hallo" he greeted as he answered and was careful not to get anything on his bird themed bed spread when he sat down to talk. "Kugel! I'm glad you answered, look when we go to the meeting, can I stay with you guys?" He asked quietly as if he was hiding. Kugelmugel frowned "Is something the matter?" He asked. "Well kinda, I just don't want to be here, I dont want to go back home, can you please ask your dad?" Ladonia asked him. "...sure, I'll ask him real quick, I'll call you back" Kugelmugel replied to him, hing up the phone and headed down the hallway.

Austria rolled his eyes when he heard the pounding of bare feet hurrying down the hallway. A small smile made it's way into his face as Kugelmugel came into the room. "What is it?" He asked expectantly. "Papa, when we go y ok the meeting Can Ladonia come stay with us for awhile? He doesn't want to go home to Sweden" Kugelmugel told him. Austria looked slightly confused "Well I dont have much planned aside from a friend of mine coming to stay with us for awhile so I'm sure its okay" Austria went back to his stitching. He peeked up from the frame of his glasses and his heart melted slightly as he saw the look of joy on Kugelmugel's face as he hurried back down the hall. "Children" he mused.

He still remembered the day about 7 years ago when Engkands little seafort showed up at his house demanding to see Kugelmugel. How scared Kugelmugel was about making friends. He loved watching how the micronations grew as a friend unit. And through all the drama such as Ladonia hacking Hutt Rivers instagram account, they all stuck through it together. Because they were friends.

Austria wished he had friends like that. He had a few people, Switzerland, Lietchienstien, Germany, his brother and his ex wife, and he counted Spain and the Italy's as friends aswell. But n ok ne if them really came to visit except for Fathers day when Italy would stop by with a gift for him or his birthday where everyone would get shitfaced and trash his house. But before Kugelmugel came along he was just a lonely old man living in what once was a home of many faces.

"Thank you, I'll pack my things and tell my papa" Ladonia sounded more cheerful rather than scared. "Okay well I can't wait to see you, remember wear your best tie, we're going to be in the big leagues soon enough" Kugelmugel ragged on. "I know, my papa is letting me borrow his tie" Ladonia bragged. "Okay, I'll see you then, bye" Kugelmugel hung up the phone. He liked at the clock which read 10:38 am. He had about an hour and a half so he decided to get dressed.

He headed over to his mirror which doubled as a dresser to find his fancy pants. He took off his clothes and if felt wring again. That feeling that he wasn't supposed to look like that bothered him again. He looked away from the mirror and headed to the closet. While he walked into his large closet only one thing caught his eye and that was the dress Lietchienstien left the last time she had visited. She had done his makeup per his request, and had told him much about her older brother and how sometimes he liked to look pretty to. He only wanted to look a bit pretty right? If was a nice dress, a bit big but it would work.

"Papa" Kugelmugel called out "come in kiddo" Aystria said as he was buttoning up his suit. Slightly agitated that he was getting a big big for his britches. Kugelmugel walked into the room with a big grin wearing the dress "Can I look pretty at the meeting?" The boy asked. Austria stared at him in befuddlement. He did not want to deal with his right now. He shook his head "Hase (a german word if endearment meaning bunny of rabbit), go change into your dress shirt and vest, you can't wear a dress ti the meeting". Kugelmugel friend with disappointment "But Lietchienstien said I can look pretty" he said in a sad tone. Austria shook his head "Look, you can put it back on when we get home but right now I need you to dress like a boy".

Kugelmugel turned back around and hurried out if the room. Austria felt guilt rising in him, he knew something was up with Kugelmugel lately, the way he dressed around the house especially. Always getting distaught when he needed to take his shirt off and so on. Austria knew he needed ti take the boy- the kid, to a child psychologist but the appointment was in two months.

He followed Kugelmugel down the hall to the room and saw him already having his clothes on. "Record time huh?" Austria tried to joke. Kugelmugel simply pouted and say on his bed. "...since he have forty five minutes before we have to leave, would you like me to braid some flowers into your hair? Those ones you picked me yesterday evening would go good with your bowtie". Kugelmugel smiled and held his hand "Yes I'd like that very much" 

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