Chapter 5

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"No I carried more bags than you!" Ladonia argued. "Well you took the lighter bags-". "Boys!" Austria interrupted. "Yes?" Kugepmugel asked respectfully from his seat. "I'll give you both whipped cream, since you two were so strong and took the bags in one go okay?" Hs said sternly, obviously not going to budge on his decision.

Switzerland loved Austria's cooking, mainly his sweets and breakfast food. So he had been debating asking for some breakfast, but eventually caved "May I have some toast?" Switzerland asked. "I already made you some, I know how you like the way I make it" Austria explained and plopped some toast on a fourth plate. "Now sit down" he told them all and sat at the table. He eyed Ladonia and eventually the boy sat down on the chair.

"Didn't you wear that yesterday?" Ladonia asked Kugelmugel as Kugel slipped the dress on. "Yes but only for a few hours so I can wear it today, see?" Kugelmugel tied up the bow. Ladonia stared, he didn't understand it a whole lot "but why are you wearing a dress? You're a boy" he stated while staring Kugelmugel down. Kugelmugel shrugged "Because I wang to, I want to feel pretty therefore I do, it's that simple really" kigelmugel told his friend and flopped down on the bed. "Would you like to make art with me Ladonia? We could go to the park and play and I could bring my painting stuff" Kugelmugel swung his legs back and forth. Ladonia was quiet for a long while, fiddling with the makeup brushes on the white dresser "Okay" he responded

The two asked Austria if they could go, of course he said yes, giving them.some money for icecream, putting sunblock on them, and telling them to be home by one since it was ten in the morning and the two went on their merry way. Austria watched as the door closed behind them. "Are you letting him wear the dress out to the park?" Switzerland asked, sounding slightly horrified.

Austria looked at Switzerland and walked back to his spot on the couch. "If you're afraid of Kugelmugel being picked on don't worry, the people there think hes a girl anyways with those long braids, so as long as the older children don't go out to play today them they should be fine" he started his needlework again. "Well what if an adult starts asking eh?" Switzerland asked and plopped down next to Austria on the couch. "If an adult approaches two boys seeing to be alone in a park go ask if one of them is a boy people will see that as suspicious" Austria replied, having full confedence that the two would be safe.

"Well-" Switzerland was cut short "Why the hell do you care what Kugelmugel wears? As long as hes happy I don't mind, maybe you should stop caring about what you wear and be happy for once Heidi" Austria snapped, his annoyance clear in his tone of speaking. "Don't call me that name, Heidi is gone, it's just Basch now" the swiss replied, trying not to get heated. "Sorry, I apologise I was acting like a child" Austria pushed his glasses up on his face. "Apology accepted lousy austrian" Switzerland told him and started texting on his phone.

"Kugelmugel why do you have girly things in your room?" Ladonia asked  as he swung upside down on the jungle gym. "Because I like it, why do you have so much minecraft stuff in your room?" Kugelmugel replied snarkily. "Because I like it" Ladonia sat up on the jungle gym "Is it your special interest?" Ladonia asked, a little smile appearing on his face. Kugelmugel sat next to him "No, I dont get fixated on one thing like you" he told his friend "I just think girly things are cool is all" Kugelmugel jumped off the equipment.

Ladonia stayed on the jungle gym thinking. He got lost in thought and pretty soon he felt something dull hit his arm. "Hey ginger get down! We want to climb!" A tall girl with brown hair called to him, she looked about 13 or 14. "But, there is plenty of room you all can climb around me" he replied and mused with his hair as he said this to her as the girl and her friends descended ontop of the gym, climbing up the sides.

one of the girls was wearing a metal ring on her finger. It scraped against the metal bars of the gym in a horrible way that made Ladonia's head hurt. "Nugh" he mumbled in duscinfirt, ge didn't like that noise. "What's wrong with your face?" The girl with the ring asked as she noticed him scrunching up at the top of the jungle gym.

"Your metal thing, its not a nice noise" ladonia explained. She looked at her hand "my ring? Like  this?" She took it off and scraped it against the metal bars. The other girls had stopped their climbing to watch Ladonia scrunch up..he hugged his knees to his chest and didn't even look up at her "Stop" he told her. "Why? I like the noise" she taughted him and kept scraping. He held his hands over his ears.

Kugelmugel looked up from painting his picture when he heard laughing. He wished his friends laughed like that together more often. That was untill he saw what they were laughing at at the top of the jungle gym. He frowned and got up off the grass, dusting his dress off and hurrying over. "Lad- Ah, Erland! Come down here!" He had to remind himself of the names thing.

Ladonia didn't look up "No!" He snapped. Kugelmugel waited at the bottom. The brown haired girl from earlier looked down at him "is this your girlfriend retard?" She asked to Ladonia. "No! Leave him alone!" Ladonia said loudly as he continue to hold his hands over his ears. The girl looked at Kugelmugel with confusion "Oh so you're a tranny?" She asked snarkily.

Kugelmugel stood there, he wasnt. He just liked wearing girl clothes, he wasn't, that...was he?. He was yanked from his thoughts as Ladonia jumped down off the jungle gym "I will beat you! Leave him alone!" He yelled at the girls and held Kugelmugel's hand tightly. Kugelmugel teared up slightly "Let's get the paints and go get icecream" Kugelmugel told him and turned around, ignoring  the girls remarks as they left.

"Yeah I'm sure they're fine" Austria muttered as he rolled the dough.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16, 2020 ⏰

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