chapter 2

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Dude I almost forgot to post this. Updates on Tuesdays here, updates whenever I get chapters done on my ao3
As the nice car backed out if the garage Kugelmugel didnt even look out the window. He was to destracted by his beautiful braid. Austria was right, the flowers did match. "You keep messing with those and they'll fall out" Austria warned. Kugelmugel quickly put his braid behind his back and watched out the shotgun seat.

Kugelmugel found himself wondering about that painting again. Why did the woman look so familiar? Those glassy green eyes, that shade of blonde hair, even in the painting the woman had a protruding jawline and it all looked to familiar. So like any curious person he asked "Papa, who is the woman in the painting?" He asked innocently. Austria stayed silent and kept driving "That's not a woman Kugelmugel, he is Switzerland, Lietchienstien's older brother, hes the friend that will be staying with us for a few weeks" he said in a unreadable tone of voice. Leaving Kugelmugel more confused than before.

"I thought it wasn't okay for men to wear dresses and be pretty back then?" He asked. Austria kept driving and his eyes on the road. "It wasnt, you know how humans think we are just like them? Well he could pass for a good woman at the time and left home to come here for awhile under the human name Heidi and we pretended he was my wife so he could stay in the country, that was untill he was caught at a gala of some sorts and hung for crossdressing and deception" he paused "And like we nations do, he woke up a few days later and fled back to Switzerland to live as a man... the painting was of him and I, young and stupid".

Kugelmugel stared at his lap "Humans are evil" he muttered. Austria shook his head "Not all humans are bad Kugelmugel, if all my people were bad then I would be bad right?" He asked. Kugelmugel shrugged "Guess you're right" Kugelmugel replied and leans his head against the window.

"Berbear  an we pull over for a second?" Finland asked. "we can't" Sweden said quietly. "No I just need to get in the trunk honey it will only take a second". Sweden co tongued to ignore this. Ladonia curled up in the backseat. He knew hed be safe at  Kugelmugel's house. He always liked staying over there, he wasn't scared.

Soon the car pulled into the parking lot if a huge building. "Here we are" Sweden said with a microscopic smile on his face. The three got out and Ladonia mused with his tie "Naugh! I dont want it on!" He stammered with frustration. Sweden went over to hold his hand while they walked into the building. "Ladonia you were fine with it earlier" Sweden pressed. "Well I dont like it now, it's not safe on my neck" the ginger pressed.

Finland rolled his eyes "You made such a big fuss about it, you're wearing it, I dont care if its uncomfortable" Finalnd kept walking with the briefcases. "Just, act like a normal kid when we get in here, please?" Finland looked at him pleadingly. Finland loved Sweden very much and was excited when Sweden brought home a little micronation no older than two. But as he got older Finland realised he wasn't acting like a "normal"child should. At first he felt as if they had done something wrong with him when he was small. But after taking him to see a doctor for a checkup the doctor said there was nothing wrong and Ladonia was simply on the spectrum.

Finland knew it was wrong and to him it seemed selfish but he wished they had a "normal" family. Being  a homosexual couple attracted enough attention, and having a 12 year old burst into a fit of confused anger in the middle of the grocery store attracted attention aswell. He loved Ladonia and knew they were a lucky pair for getting to raise a micronation. But it still bugged him. "Tino" Sweden said a bit hurt, he always tried to help Ladonia feel normal and comfortable but Finlands passive aggressiveness at the situation sometimes made it difficult.

The three didn't talk as they went into the building. As soon as Ladonia spotted his micronation friends he hurried off to meet them. Sweden went with Finland into the meetingroom to mingle with their fellow nations. As the heavy doors closed behind them Ladonia had already started to talk with his friends about the new minecraft update.

"The bees always sting me" Molossia said sternly and sat down on the floor in the cult like circle the others had made. "Well did you put a campfire under the hide before shearing it?" Kugelmugel asked. Molossua didnt answer and Ladonia just laughed a bit. "So, are you guys ready to finnaly show them how proper we can be?" Sealand asked with his hair slicked back and full of gel.

Seborga rolled his eyes "They aren't going to let us do anything, my brothers told me that this would shut us up about being real nations" Seborga huffed. Kugelmugel pouted "Well that's not very nice" he said and glanced over at Sealand who looked as if he was about to cry. Ladonia looked at the brit "Sealand, did you update your computer yet? Because you've had that one for nearly ten years at this point, I could help you build one-" "God shut your face hole!" Ladonia stopped talking when Sealand yelled at him. "Why? I was just offering to help you out since it's so slow and-" he was cut off again. "You never shut up, did you even hear what Seborga said?" Sealand asked.

"I wasn't listening" Ladonia replied. Kugelmugel scooted over to his friend and took his hand. "Its okay, maybe we can build a computer sometime" Kugelmugel offered. He always liked building things over at Swedens house, what's the difference with building a computer?. "That's just it! you never pay attention to anything!" Sealand snapped. Hutt River put a hand on the blindes shoulder "Uncle Sea, calm down". Sealand didn't get another word in since the loud bell rang, signaling that it was time to go in.

"I'm perfectly fine up there when it's just me and you, I just dont like that damn boyfriend if yours, I dint like that you'll be alone together in that house" Switzerland told his little sister with concern. Lietchienstien rolled her eyes as she sat beside him "We'll be fine, we wont do anything stupid and we're going to take good care if your goats, we just want a little alone time and I don't like leaving you alone by yourself like that" the girl explained. "Its only for a few weeks" she assured him and gave him a quick hug.

"Order!" A deep voice roared from the head of the table. "You all know the rules but I'm going to explain them to our newcomers" Germany cleared his throat. "Five minutes for speeches, raise hand to speak, keep debating to a minimum untill lunch or after the meeting when you can talk amongst yourselves, and for god sakes no fighting" Germany said this like a broken record player.

And so it commenced.

Ahhhhh I'm so happy!! How are you guys liking this story so far? Comments always appreciated!

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