chapter 4

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"Yummy thank you!" Kugelmugel thanked Austria as he grabbed some pizza from the box. Austria shrugged and fir some for himself. "Aren't you going to have any Lodi?" He asked as he saw Ladonia just staring at the box. The boy shrugged "Not hungry, its to oily and doesn't feel right on my hands" he leaned into the tablex and fiddled with the tie that was still annoyingly around his neck.

'Shit that's right he doesn't like oily food' Austria scolded himself "Well how about I dab the slice with a paper towel to get rid of some of the oil?" He offered. Kugelmugel watched with interest, always wanting to learn more about his friend. They were similar but different, and Kugelmugel liked it that way. "Hmmm okay" Ladonia replied.

Austria fixed him his slice and set it infront of a chair. "There, c'mon guys let's sit down, dont eat like animals" Austria told the boys and sat down in his own seat. Ladonia stared at the chair "Do I have to sit?" He asked. Austria scoffed slightly "Yes, a dinner table is not the place to be running around" he told him. Kugelmugel seemed confused "Just sit down, the chair doesn't bite". Austria watched with confusion as Ladonia sat in the chair, his face scrunching up in discomfort. Austria decided to ignore it for now, but it still made him slightly worried.

Austria was in the livingroom doing his needlework when he heard a knock at the door. "Come in Switz!" He called out, finding his spot on the couch to comfortable to move from at the moment. He heared an audible sigh from behind the door and his friend stumbled in, carrying so many bags you would've thought he was France taking only his "essentials".

"Need any help stumpy hedgehog?" He asked from his spot on the couch. Switzerland rolled his eyes "You couldn't even get an arrow out of your ass, how on earth would you carry a suitcase?" the proud man scoffed and hauled his bags inside. Austria rolled his eyes once more "You're to proud for your own good you know that?".

Before Switzerland could respond with a look of dismay he heard the pounding of feet hurrying down the hallway. "Off! Knock it off you Kraut!" He looked over his shoulder to see the little Kugelmugel being chased by the Swedish one. Switzerland looked confused and Austria looked horrified "I'm austrian you dimwit!" Kugelmugel snapped back, still running away.

Austria got up from his seaf "Heg knock it off!" He snapped "Stop running around whats going on?" He inquired. The boys slowed their running and Kugelmugel looked over to Switzerland with a grin. "Hello again!" He chimmed and waved. Switzerland gave a hesitant wave as Austria started scolding the boys and demanding to know what happened.

Ladonia crossed his arms "I told him to not touch my legs and he kept poking and it hurt" he shivered. Austria frowned, maybe Ladonia just didn't like being touched. "Well I didn't mean to! I was trying to grab my phone and your stupid leg got in the way!" Kugelmugel argued. "Your phone was like ten centimeters away from my leg you liar-". "BOYS" Austria interrupted. "We have a guest, why dont you strong men take his bags to his room for him? Whoever can carry the most bags I'll put more whipped cream on their french toast.

And like that their argument disintegrated and the two rushed to go take the bags to the guestroom. As they hurried down the hall Switzerland laughed "You have them trained like lap dogs" he complimented. Austria shrugged and headed to the kitchen "I try, Kugelmugel is normally well behaved but when those two are together all sorts of shinanagins happen".

Once Switzerland heard a door close he turned to Austria again. "Well.... may I ask you something?" He requested. Austria shrugged "Go ahead, follow me" he said and ushered Ssitzerland into the kitchen with him to make french toast. "Well Kugelmugel was talking about dresses, and wearing dresses, is he a she now? I wasnt even sure if Kugelmugel was a boy untill Liechtenstein told me but if that's what they're going for-". He heard a chuckle come from Austria "Don't worry I'm sure he's going to grow out of it, he likes the princess aesthetic is all" he said but sounded quite unsure. Switzerland shrugged and got to helping him "I thought I'd grow out of it to". Austria gave him a sympathetic look but said nothing.

Warning this part gets, kinda disturbing. Mentions of child molestation/rape
"No I'm sorry Allen (To clarify this is not 2p America so don't get your panties in a wad) but Erland is staying with a friend of ours in Austria, looks like you'll have to find another familiy to babysit for" Finland apologised. "Ah shit well that sucks, thanks anyways Tino" Allen said and walked off the porch of Swedens house.

He walked down the driveway and into his car, he'd miss the kid but couldn't blame him for not wanting to stay. He remembered last time he watched him, he had him begging for mercy and threatening to run away to Austria. He didn't think the kid would actually do it but somehow he got there. He hoped he wouldn't tell, but he was pretty sure he had Erland wrapped around his finger, making sure the kid was to scared to tell his parents. Making him believe they wouldn't believe him because he was "broken" and "stupid".

Allen grinned and pulled his phone out of his pocket to look at some pictures he had taken their last visit together. He quickly put it away, he was a monster and he knew damn well he was ine. But he couldn't look at photos of these peoples son while in their driveway. So he put his phone away and drove away from the place with a satisfied look on his face.

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