chapter 3

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As the meeting went on it seemed as if an eternity had passed. Kugelmugel was very bored so decided to join Sealand in people watching. He noticed the way Spain was tapping his pen on the table while staring at Portugal, Portugal would tap back in reply. He caught Sealnad laughing about it and begged him to tell him what the two were saying in Morse code. Apparently they were having an argument concerning turtles which brought much amusement to the Austrian boy.

Ladonia was following close behind the two, noticing how easy it was for Sealnad to start a conversation with a nation. Was it really that simple? Dud he even think about it when he did so?. Ladonia didn't know but he wanted to be like Sealand and talk like that with people. He looked over to his side and saw Kugelmugel get up with a strange look on his face. He imeaditaly grew concerned as he recognized the steel toed boots to Belong to Switzerland but he remained in his spot beneath the table.

Switzerland felt eyes on him and looked up from his notes to see a little, girl? Boy? He couldn't tell, but he knew this was Austria's child. Their eyes met and the two remained quiet, staring at one another. "...Can I help you?" The swiss asked the child. "You're Heidi right? Well- not anymore but you used to be" Kugelmugel said with a hundred yard stare at the man.

Lietchienstien coughed and scooted her chair over to the two "Kugelmugel why don't you go back to your dad hm?" She offered. Kugelmugel lit up when he saw her "Lietch! I'm glad you're here, you left one of your pretty dresses at my house and papa says it looks pretty- I cant wear it here but when we get home I'm going to put it back on and-" the white haired child was cut short by a booming voice. "Kugelmugel! Get back to your seat, right now is not the time to mingle that goes for you to Sealand and wherever your ginger friend is" Germany stared looking around, noticing that the children had dispersed across the room to chat with other nations.

The boy frowned "Okay sorry uncle Deutschland" he apologised and hurried back to Austria, who felt bad not realizing the child had left his side. "How about you sit on my lap hm?" The man offered. Kugelmugel shook his head "No, you said that hurts you knees, that's why I dont sit in your lap during piano anymore" Kugelmugel said to him. Austria shook his head "It will be fine just get up here".

"Sverge where is that little boy of yours?" Denmark asked nervously, looking around the room trying to spot Ladonia. "I dunno" Sweden replied and looked under the table cloth. He sighed deeply. "Is he under there?" Finland asked him and looked under aswell. They saw him alright, he wasnt sitting in an uncomfortable position, just the way he liked onto of Japan's feet. The asian man didn't seem to mind a 120 pound (58.9 kg) resting on his legs.

Finland rolled his eyes and popped back up along with Sweden. "I'll get him at intermission" the tall blonde said to his husband. Finland shook his head and scooted in his chair in to take more notes.

As they walked out, Austria's knees ached like hell but he wasn't about to tell Kugelmugel about that. "Okay go grab your friend and his things, them we'll get on home" Austria instructed. "Course, I'll be right back papa" the boy turned away and hurried back down the hallway, trying to spot the tall Swedish nation or his spikey haired brother.

Austria started digging around for his keys when he felt a slap to his shoulder "Hey jackass!" He looked over to see a very angered Switzerland at his side and his sister trying to calm him down. "Can I help you?" He asked him, "How the hell does that kid of yours know about Heidi?" The angry nation asked, looking like he was ready to lunge for the throat.

Austria blinked "Shit, what did he say?" He asked, straightening his composure. "He called me Heidi, what in earth did you tell him?" Switzerland asked, calming down slightly and crossing his arms. Austria shrugged "Well he was fixing up an old oil painting we had done years ago and wouldn't stop asking me who the woman in the yellow dress was, so I had to tell him" Austria admitted, scratching the back of his neck.

Switzerland huffed and looked at his feet. "Well, I'll be at your house tommorow morning- and I don't want that kid of yours calling me that name" he told him and turned around, leading his sister with him away from the situation. Before Austria could say anything to call him back he caught sight of two heads hurrying over to him- no three?.

"Papa I'm back! We got Ladonia's things from Sweden's car and we're ready to go" Kugelmugel said with excitement, ready to have this sleepover with his friend. Austria decided to drop his worries and smiled "Okay lets get going then, Ladonua did you bring your headphones? I have an extra pair at my house but yours have more padding" Austria asked the boy to make sure he had everything.

"Yes sir" Ladonia answered him and pointed to his bag. "Can we leave now?" He asked and held Kugelmugel's hand. "Yeah let's go! I want to show Ladonia the dress" Kugelmugel said with excitement and hurried off with Ladonia out the front door.

Austria rolled his eyes and gathered up his things. Thinking about how he needed to stop by the grocery store to make something for dinner for the boys. He headed out the door, deciding to drop them at home and then go out to get dinner. It took him a hot minute to spot his car but when he saw a black car with paint splotches on it he headed over.

It took about half an hour to get home, he was tired but the boys seemed to be excitedly chatting about what went down during the meeting, the beef they had witnessed, whatever that meant. But soon the nationg parked the car. "Okay boys, go inside and set the table, I'll pick up something for dinner and be back" Austria told them.
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"Very pretty Kugelmugel" Ladonia admired the dress his friend had put on. "Do you want to play some minecraft?" The ginger offered. Kugelmugel giggled and putted his strings on the dress tighter around himself. "Sure that sounds like fun".

"No, he know's now! I'll just get a hotel room okay? I'm not going to that jerkwads house!" Switzerland shouted at his sister. "Switzy, you're not staying alone in a hotel for two weeks, you're to cheap to do that and you know it" he watched as his little sibling crossed her arms over her rather flat chest. "Oh really? Well fine then I'll go, I'll sacrifice my pride" Switzerland threw up his hands and hurried to his bed in their motel room. "Now fuck off" he snapped.

Lietchienstien frowned and scuffled to her bed. Was this the right choice? Would her older sibling be upset with her or would this be good for the swiss?. As these thoughts swirled around in her head she heard her phone buzz. She grinned, checking the message and seeing it was Latvia posing with their rabbit Hashbrown. (Yes throwback to my old abandoned works-). She responded with a smiling thingy and laid on her bed, deciding sleep was the best option.

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