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The clock on the wall ticks with every passing second, it's longhand ticking every minute. Deep thoughts have been swirling the mind. Curiosities and wonders, a few worries but mostly minor realizations. It is early morning, the sun still asleep at this hour. A glance to the clock reads "03:18." No work, no duties, there are no chores that need completion. What is someone doing up so late? The mind travels great distances in half a second. Here, there, back again, gone. The mind is scattered like a broken puzzle, pieces falling off a table to the wood floor beneath. Some pieces get lost but most are recovered. An individual piece does not connect to any ordinary figure. Only a specific one will fit. There are days when the mind wonders if this person is the right piece that will fit. Some days it feels like being trapped in a room, filling with water until it reaches the ceiling, drowning out everything. Furniture floats and yet the mind sinks to the bottom, followed by the broken soul.

How come Lilia has grown distant the past week?

Without proper communication, it has been difficult to understand where the woman's head is at. Why she has barely called or answered the phone. Even when they have met up, her energy level seemed to have dropped significantly. She is usually full of smiles and playfully teasing every chance she gets. Now, it seems she has slightly altered into a new persona. The man tries to convince himself that maybe it's something personal. Maybe it's her family or who is he kidding? He has to be the problem. How did he ever make her happy? Now, she's miserable. Lilia has probably gotten sick of him by now and is going along for the ride just to please him. He does not want that. He does not wish for someone to stick around only to make him feel good.

Yakov does not want another one-sided love.

During the few days that have gone by, it has been quite busy for the both of them. The last session of classes for the year is ending for Yakov very soon and Lilia is preparing to start a class next month. It only makes sense that either would be a bit stressed and distant at this time. Even he can't fool himself. It has to be more than that. With his minimal dating experience and knowledge of Lilia's personality, something is off and bothering her and he has to get to the bottom of it before he becomes more insecure. If he could get one peek into her mind, it would be helpful. Still, if something is wrong, she would come to him, right? She would have sooner but it is beginning to feel that she may never come to him.

Another morning without a phone call. Is she doing okay? Anxious and jittering, Yakov pulls the phone off the wall, dialing her number and waiting for her to answer. "Please pick up." He chants under his breath, hopeful she will talk to him. On the fifth ring, there's a hesitance, voice filling in after. " *Алло?" With a silent sigh, the man lifts his head to respond. "Lilya, hi, I haven't heard from you in a while. Is everything fine?" The woman on the line shifts her stance, weight switching to her left leg. "Yes, I am all right. Only busy with my studio, why?" Yakov knows something is not normal. He's studied her, he knows more of her body language than she knows. Lilia is not one to hesitate before an answer. "Lilya, you can be honest with me. Please, I want to help."

With that, the two find themselves sitting across from each other in a local café near Lilia's flat. Each has a warm cup in hand of their preferred beverages, blowing the steam away. "I don't know what you mean, Yasha. I'm fine, I promise. You know what it's like to be busy as a coach." The brunette in front of him speaks up, setting down her teacup on the snow-white saucer. "Lilya, I know something is wrong and I only want to know what it is or at least a bit of the problem. Don't think I do not notice, I know you Lilya." The man tries to meet her fellow light eyes but her gaze adverts. "No, you don't know me, Yasha. You really don't. Nothing is the matter with us."


"I never said something was wrong with us. What does that mean?" Yakov takes a concern, scared out of his mind. What is she thinking at this very moment? Has this always been on her mind? Has Lilia been unhappy since they started going out? Thoughts race and bounce off the walls in his head, jumping from one conclusion to the next until finally, her voice shatters his subconscious. "I'm worried." She mumbles, voice barely able to pick up over the commotion of the café's kitchen. "What are you worried about?" He gives her his full attention. "It's... my family, Yasha." She moves her gaze back to the teacup in front of her. "Your family? I thought you weren't close to them?"

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