the sly lie

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[Kokichi's pov]

When i woke up i was snuggled into shu's chest and i started to blush from that but i noticed that i was kinda starting to smell so i went to go take a shower once i got out i wrapped a towel around me and went outside to get some clothes but when i got out i noticed shu was awake so we said our moring greetings and i got a kiss on the cheek from him when i was changing i saw his eyes on me which made me blush so i started to change quicker but then shu said that he was gonna take a shower so he gave me his key and asked me to get his clothes which i obliged to so when i was dressed i went to shu-kuns room but i had to get interrupted by a certain dumbass and a bitch "hey what the hell are you doing you rat" maki said as she glared at me "what the fuck does it look like im getting clothes for saihara-kun or maybe 'i do an exaggerated gasp' your as dumb as a dead monkey to know what im doing" when i said that both kaito and maki looked like they were gonna kill me so i turned around and said "if you have nothing to do with me then leave me the hell alone before i kick both of your guy's ass" as i unlock the door and start turing the handle i feel a grip on my shoulder which i don't take to kindly to and i grab the arm and toss it over my body only to find out it was kaito so i say oops and then i went into the room got some clothes for my beloved closed the door locked it then i went back to my room but maki started chasing after me after she helped kaito up so when i got inside i locked the door so she couldn't get inside i placed the clothes on the bed and waited for saihara-kun to get out of the bathroom when he did he was only wearing a towel i started to blush quiet a bit so when i went up to him to give him his clothes he hugged me and i could feel his skin on mine and i started to blush even more which he chuckled at so once he finished getting dressed the mourning announcement went off so we both went to the dinning room when we got there we could see a very pissed off kaito and maki when angie asked what was wrong with him he blew up "kokichoi thats the damn problem not only insult maki-roll but he also threw me over his damn shoulder" that one statement left everyone shoked i bet they were thinking 'oh how could such a small boy throw such a tall heavy person or but he looks so weak how could he even throw a person over his shoulder' one answer back in high school i used to get into a lot of fights although i don't look the part i did and no one of me when i killed someone they just thought i was a weak and poor innocent boy well i did use the way i look to my advantage (im also planning on making that into a book) so when he said that i squeaked "b-but how could i do t-that your to h-heavy for me to p-pick up let alone throw over my s-shoulder you'd probably crush me" which everyone agreed to because lets be honest everyone judges you based on your looks amd the way you act and maki has strangled me before so theres that and that kaito is probably one of the most heavy person here so when everyone believed me saihara-kun chuckled and got a couple stares and he chimes in saying "just seeing my ko being able to throw a punch would be a miracle" he helped out "hey i can throw a perfectly good punch" i pout "ya sure" he started laughing and so did a few others which made me mad but of course i wasn't gonna show it i wanted to be the cute innocent baby of the group which i was getting treated like one wa nd i was happy when we were eating luch we all decided 'well except kaito and maki' to hang in my ultimate room or something like that so when we got there they were all surprised about how big it was so when they all sat down on the couch i tried to make it look like i was struggling to take the TV out so in the end gonta had to place it infront of us when he placed it down i set it up to the Wii so we could all play Super Mario Bro's we all had a blast but then lunch time was about to come so tsumugi had to leave and we all continue to play games like super smash bro's or mario cart on the switch but then lunch time came so we had to leave i turned off the switch and tv and left with the others and I'd say it was pretty successful on getting close with the others if i say so myself so when we got to the dinning room i sat on saihara-kun's lap amd we started to eat we got stared at now and then but i just ignored it we also gat a pair of glares but ignored that as well so when lunch ended kaito and maki tried to talk to me but shu picked me up bridal style and said "tojo you don't need to make us any dinner were going to sleep also ko said that the food was good, good night now" we got a couple good nights amd other things but as soon as kaito and maki were gonna ask me a couple question shu ran out the door and to our dorms when we got inside he placed me on the bed and went to go lock the doors when he got back we started changing into comfortable clothes i wore a plain white big t-shirt with only my boxers and shu wore shorts and a black t-shirt when laid back dow i started getting sleepy so i snuggled into his chest and started falling asleep and i felt arms wrap around me then everything went black

Im back but with the chapters i might take a lot longer so im sorry about that but im trying my best and ya i hope you enjoy my trashy book so have a nice day or night idk good bye

Words 1149

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