damn feels bad for miu

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[Kokichi's pov]

When i heard the voice of monokuma say "a body has been discovered head over to $!*#&₩¥§¿μ¡" i wasn't paying attention i just wanted to lay in bed and sleep but thats when i remembered that not only was shuichi there but so was junko so i was dragged out of my fucking bed by futaba

Well more like carried like a princess but meh i got some sleep on the way when we got there i realized it was the dinning room and it was a fuking blood bath there was blood all over the walls and in the kitchen and all over the floor and on one of the walls it says "sinners must die" or some shit like that

~gore kinda so ye~

Miu's body was so fucking bad you could see bones come out of her back and tissue there was also wip marks on her back and rope on here hands and feet her uniform had rips we also couldn't see much so we had to turn her over and saw i damn gash in her stomach guts were coming out and people were throwing up she had her mouth sew shut her eyes weren't there and she had multiple cuts on her legs and arms they looked fresh but on her for head i got an idea of who it was

~gore over~

For some reason tho the first words at the top of my head was "damn feels bad for miu" everyone stopped talking and looked at me and i was confused until kaito spoke up "miu is fucking killed and all you say is 'feels bad' wtf is wrong with you" thats when i realized i said it out loud "i said that out loud didn't i" so then shumai spoke up "yes, yes indeed you did" Junko was laughing her ass off and Celeste and Mikan were giggling futaba was just futaba

[Third pov]

miu's family got mad that we were laughing so they started yelling profanities at the siblings but then they yelled at junko, when they did that all hell let loose the air switched real quick mikan got a syringe from her pocket Celeste got a knife and since kokichi didn't have anything he grabbed a chair and they all ran different directions

~kinda gore again~
~with mikan~
mikan started stabbing the dad with the syringe in his chest blood was coming out and each time she stabbed him she let out some of the poison from inside the syringe which made the dad scream and have a coughing fit she was then pulled off by maki but she kept trying to get to the dad

~with Celeste~

When Celeste ran to the mother she she stabbed both of the eyes when she stabbed one and pulled it back it came out the mother was at her it hurts and kept screaming while trying to get Celeste off her but she only stabbed the other eye and then her head which killed her you could tell she was dead because she stopped screaming and was grabbed by kaito

~with kokichi~

When kokichi ran to the older brother he hit that bitch on the head and kept hitting him with the chair and screamed so fucking loud "TAKE.THAT.BACK.YOU.BITCH" like an angry child mad at the snow for taking his best friends freckles (yamaguchi and tsuki)
and then kicked that bitch in the nuts he than saw knife on the table so he hit with the chair one more time then grabbed the knife and stabbed him in the stomach but was grabbed by shuichi before he could kill him

~yeet gore over~

The three siblings got out of the of the grasp of they're captors and went over to talk to junko and futaba as if nothing had happened and since the parents were no longer alive maki and a few others along with a couple of the family's went to go nurse the older boy back to health the other family's were to scared to go confront them about what happend so the only thing they could do was investigate

Words 698

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