A chapter on crack cuz im narrating this bitch

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[Your author who is narrating this whole chapter so prepare for some random ass stuff cuz i act like im on crack some times even though i ain't]

One day when 2 lazy ass hoes watched anime all night and didn't show up to breakfast all hell kinda went loose why, cuz they're in a killing game, why are they in a killing game play the damn game if u wanna know i ain't a snitch

So moving on when shuichi *cough* depressed bitch *cough* woke up "hey i heard that u hoe" shush shuichi im narrating so when shuichi woke up he couldn't find his lover and thought he was making him breakfast.... bitch he ain't your husband he may be yo man but not your husband so your gonna think he got kidnapped "why though" cuz i said so, so when shuichi thought his lover got kidnapped he quickly got dressed and ran to the dinning room because he thought his lover might be there only to find every one else exept his lover and blue berry top "yo who the fuck is blue berry top" who else mother fucker it's tsumugi did you not read the last chaper "bitch no who the fuck u think i am i ain't got time for that shit im busy doing my job being in other people story's not just yours" damn im sorry "better be" bitch the fuck you just say, you know what lets just get back to the script, so when shuichi didn't see kokichi he got his m.19 out and said "first of fukin all i don't have a gun so stop with that bullshit before i go up to you and slap you all the way into next Thursday" damn fine you fukin killjoy so what actuall happened is that shuichis opened the door violently and asked where kokichi is then tenko being the thiCC (with a capital C) bitch she is (im kidding i like tenko) said "i bet that degenerate male kokichi is coming (thats what she said) up with a way to kill one of us" shuichi glared at her and said "kokichi would never do that after all he's to scared of the chance of dieing just to try and escape from here" than miu being the annoying bitch she is (jk i also like her) said in a relaxed voice"then where the fuck is tsumugi dumbass" 'ah shit i swear to god kokichi if you try and kill someone cuz your bored here i will kick your ass' he thought tenko in the heat of the moment decided to declare a search to for the 2 of them would be needed so all of them checked the whole damn school which took like 2 hours and people were getting desperate so tenko got a damn sledge hammer from god knows where and decided that if they can't find them then they'll brake the whole damn school being the total dumbasses they are they checked every room in the dorms but tsumugi's so when they were about to destory the damn place monokuma popped out cuz he doesn't want to go through the trouble a rebuilding a whole damn school and said "woah brats if your that desperate to find out where they are I'll tell you so put the sledge hammer's down" so everyone did as told pussies "oi fuck you to" they all screamed at me so monokuma told them where the 2 are "if you wanna know where the 2 are just check tsumugi's room and you'll find them" then he disappeared so they all went to tsumugi's room the door was locked so they had gonta brake it down they saw a bunch of outfits all over the place and they also saw 2 sleeping humans one on the couch and one on a bed they were all tired so they just all crashed there shuichi fell asleep next to kokichi some of the girls went on the bed with tsumugi while the rest slept on the floor awww look at the wittle baby's aren't they adorable 'oh my god can't you just fuck off for one minute author" hmmm no now good by yall

So if im being honest i just wrote this chapter cuz i thought why not so here you go so i hope you have a good day or night cuz it's like 11 for me so ya

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