Bank Robbery

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You parted ways with your friends. As you opened the door to Aizawa's house you saw him standing there in the living room as if he was waiting for you.

"I thought you had a meeting?" you asked. "Meeting was canceled plus there's been a bank robbery nearby so suit up." he replied.

"Emit ot yrt tuo eht wen kool" (Time to try out the new look) a blue mist started to cover your body changing you to your hero costume.

"Emit ot yrt tuo eht wen kool" (Time to try out the new look) a blue mist started to cover your body changing you to your hero costume

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This is your costume by the way. ( art not mine/ doesnt belong to my artist too)

You didn't really have any support items with your costume since nothing could do much against your exhaustion from overusing your quirk ( well aside from practicing ).

You two both rushed into the scene. You can see a few armed men with masks carrying sacks ( filled with the cash they stole ), a much more bulkier looking male with some sort of skull symbol on their mask, and a female also with a mask that has the skull symbol wielding a three-pronged spear, with horns sticking out of her head.

'That couple must be there leader'

"We should hurry, the pro heroes and the police will appear here in any minute." the 'male leader' said.

"That's our cue, COME ON!" Aizawa said to you.

Aizawa and Y/N charged at the henchmen first.

You threw multiple mana spheres towards some of the henchmen, effectively knocking them out

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You threw multiple mana spheres towards some of the henchmen, effectively knocking them out.
While Aizawa was using close combat one the rest of them.

You can see one about to shoot at you, But you quickly used a spell. "Ekoms dna srorrim." (Smokes and Mirrors).

A cloud of smoke appeared and the gun suddenly turned into a snake. The man panicked and fell to the ground as the snake started to constrict itself around him.

"Egnahc ekans onti sgnidnib." ( Change snake into bindings ) You turned the snake into ropes quickly since you didn't want to kill him.

The couple was next.

Aizawa dealt with the male while the female robber started to charge towards you, with her spear.

You started covering your hands with mana for protection as you began to parry her attacks. You didn't felt any pain or damage due to the blue mana protecting your hands.

 You didn't felt any pain or damage due to the blue mana protecting your hands

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Like this but with blue energy instead of red.

As she continuously send more rapid attacks at you. You continue to evade and parry.

'Damn, she's not giving me anytime to breathe huh'

You did a couple of back flips away from her in an effort of trying to get some distance. You threw a couple of mana spheres at her, which she was able to block by spinning her spear rapidly and sending them in a different direction.

You quickly created an illusion of yourself hoping that she would fall for it. Then you put up a glamour dome around you, hiding you from her vision. Because you wanted to make sure that she would definitely fall for your trick.

She attacked the illusion and it quickly evaporated into thin air. This gave you the chance to sneak up right behind her and deliver a roundhouse kick at her back.

Your glamour spell wore off since it only works as long as you don't make any physical contact with someone. But you were able create a special move called "The Illusion Trick" in which you were able to get a free hit by ambushing someone that would fall to any of your illusions while using your glamour spell to sneak up behind them.

She grunted in pain, letting go of the spear in the process. You quickly followed up with more spin kicks, you had the advantage because you were able to disarm her. Until eventually she was knocked into a nearby truck.

"Dnuob yb leets" ( Bound by steel ) you casted. The metal of the truck started to wrap around her body leaving her completely immobilized to the truck.

"And this, is for robbing that bank." you threw a hard punch at her face, knocking her out while she's still tied up against the truck.

You turned to Aizawa to see if he needed any assist but you saw the male villain on the ground knocked out, tied in ropes.

"Guess he didn't need any help." you said to yourself.

You both returned the stolen money and checked the bank to see if any of the hostages there had suffered
any serious damage but lucky for the two of you, no one was harmed.

The both of you quickly took off since you both wanted to stay away from the media. But you two hadn't noticed that while you were fighting the two villains, some of the nearby reporters was able to catch the action and report it live on T.V.

Another thing you didn't notice is a certain familiar dual colored hair male was also watching the action from the far.

As you were walking back home once again, you heard a familiar voice call out to you.

"Y/N? Is that you?"

*DISCONTINUED* A Magical Moment BNHA X Male Magician Reader Book 1Where stories live. Discover now