sixty seven

559 33 8

july 16th 12:59

it was a day off for both nebra and oceana.

it was a rainy day which the girls chose to spend inside together.

their phones were turned off and they were sitting under a large heavy blanket in oceana's room, the fairy lights sparkling around them.

"sonetimes i think of you like a sister." oceana whispered sincerely.

nebra glanced at her, "'m not a very good one." she admitted.

oceana was quiet as she searched for what to respond.

"it's ok." nebra told her, "i really am terrible to my little sister."

"i think you just had awful influences as a kid." oceana told her.

nebra chuckled dryly.

"you're already trying to do better."

nebra looked at her, "i don't think i would, without you."

oceana slipped her arm around nebra in a sidehug where they both leaned on each other.

"i doubt that." oci shook her head and smiled, "you're good, nebs."

nebra smiled back smally and they fell quiet again, watching golden lights twinkle as the only source of light in shadow bathed room decorated with plushies and pictures and random trinkets.

"pass me the totoro." and more plushies.

"if you pass me that duck." and a big rubber duck.


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