Maya's recovery

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I started doing the recovery after 3 months. I didn't like it. It was really though to do it. I had friends around me all the time but its not the same. They couldn't help me. I though all the time that this is Andy's fault. I got on the aid car even tho she was the one on aid. I wanted to blame her. I wanted this to be her fault. I wanted to blame her. I wanted to get the blame om someone that isn't me.  I wanted her to know how bad I felt, I wanted her to fell my pain. I wanted her to be hurt, to be sad. I know I was selfish but my life is destroyed because of her. I knew that it wasn't her fault but I'm scared. I'm scared to be left alone. But to be honest I already knew that Andy would be here no matter what. I slowly looked around, I was waiting for Amelia to write under at the discharge papers. She was never late, but I kept waiting until Dr. Deluca came, not Carina, but Andrew. I looked at him, -what are u doing here Andrew. he looked at me and said. -You'll have to stay longer, Dr. Shepherd is in surgery with another patient. I'm sorry. I looked at him, -can you page Carina? He looked at me and nodded hesitantly. -sure. He left the room. I looked after him and looked at my training hour plan. Carina didn't come. I was sad, when I heard a knock on the door 2 hours I freaked out, I didn't want anyone to come. I looked up, and to my surprise it was Carina. I said, cold -what are u doing here? She answered, -I'm sorry I didn't come earlier, I had to do an emergency c-section. I'm sorry Maya, I love you. she came closer to me, I didn't answer, I looked at her without feelings. She sighed, then sat down beside the bed. she said -what's wrong Maya? I looked at her, and I started tearing up. She grabbed my hand and kissed my head,she said -Maya talk to me, please just talk to me. I looked at her, -I'll never be able to walk again. I started crying and said, -All I ever wanted is gonna be destroyed because of this, I spent my whole life to get where I am and now I might not be able to do it anymore. MY whole life is gone Carina, My life. Do you have any idea how that feels? She got silent a minute, then she hugged me and said -I'm here for u, no matter what. I love you. and I need you by my side no matter what. I looked at her, then away. I said -I can't do this, it's no way I can do this. Carina looked at me and said. -yes you can because I'm gonna help you with it.  I looked at her, then away. -How can you help me, you haven't been through this, you can't help. Carina didn't answer that.

Andy and Elena and Maya, one kid, to firefighters one dreamWhere stories live. Discover now