Ian and Kalel

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Last time,

Kayla screamed.
Dan heared his sister and went towards her.
"Kayla!?" he asked.
He saw her,crying.
"Kayla...what happen?" he asked.
Kayla pointed to the video and asked him to watched it.
He did and understood.
"Kayla.Why did you watch that?" he asked.
"I don't know.It was just there...I thought it was nothing." said Kayla,Tears were running down.
Dan puts the laptop at the sofa and comes back to Kayla.
"There....there Kayla....I'm here." said Dan.
"What if that happen to mom?" she asked.
"No...that will never happen.She  is out there....wait for us to find her.That I'm sure off." said Dan.
"Ok..." said Kayla as she falls asleep.

Dan falls asleep as well.


Dan's pov

I woke up at 5am.I found Kayla hugging me by the waist like last night in the allyway.Man...Kayla watched a video about this man name Anthony Padilla.He was working for Wicked and he got shot by the army or somthing like that.I feel bad for that guy.He looked like he was 39 and he die at that age.

I fell bad for all the people that worked there before.I deicded  to let Kayla rest before head out tonight and went to see whats in the the small kitchen.

There was nothing but rotten food.I sighed as I closed the fridge door.I sat at the sofa and pulled out the laptop again.I type the password and look at his screen.It was a some kind of family picture of Anthony,his ex-girlfriend,Kalel and there were 3 cats with them.He looked so happy back then.I saw the video that Kayla and I watched yesterday.

Just then...at the left side of the screen,I saw a new video.It wasnt there yesterday...I clicked on it.Halfway,I stop.I heared Kayla waking up."Kayla? Are you awake?" I called out.She muttered a yes.I walk to the bed to see her siting up."Great...you are." I said as I grab the laptop."Whats going on?" She asked."I found a new video on Anthony's screen.I pause it halfway.I thought you wanna watch it together." I asked."Sure.I wanna see." said Kayla.I replay from the start.

"Hey Anthony.Its Kalel and Ian.We wanted to visit you but you were not home.But you left a note to tell us to watch this video and ask us to do a video as we react to your video.Ready Ian?" asked Kalel who has light brown hair.

Ian,who has a darker brown hair,nodded.Kalel press play.The same voice of Anthony plays.When they got to the end,where Anthony got shot,Tears slip from Kalel and Ian."Anthony...." said Kalel.The video stop and when it was ok,it went to Kalel and Ian."Anthony...no wonder when I called you....you didnt anwer." said Ian."When I sent you those letters....you didnt reply them...you were working for WICKED." aaid Kalel.Her face was drowned in tears.

"GODDAMNIT! I HATE MYSELF!!!" shouted Ian.He was also crying.Kayla didnt see a man cry before."Ian...." said Kalel."I knew that I should't move to aisa...I lost my best friend as a gift." he said."I lost my ex and my best friend too." said Kalel."I guess we both lost him." said Ian.Kalel nodded."You go 1st." said Kalel.

Ian nodded and he looked into the camera.

"Hi...My best friend ,Anthony,was killed in this right room.Man...You have no idea how much I miss you.I didn't call you cause Jodie and I was going through some money problems but I wanted to call you once my side was ok but I was to late.*Stops talking for awhile,Tears started to fall*.You are gone." said Ian."Kalel? Your turn." said Ian,looking at Kalel.Kalel nodded and looked at the camera.

"Hello,I'm Kalel,Anthony's ex-fiancee.We have been together for awhile...for 3 year..almost 4 years we have been together.I didn't know he was or anything about over the past 2 years...cause I met this guy name Dylan Sheppard.He was eveything of Anthony...I feel so bad now.Anthony..I'm sorry that we,me and Ian, have been ignoring you.We have some problems of our own.Mine was work.Ian's was family while your was...us." said Kalel.She had tears."I can't do this." said Kalel as she walked away from the laptop."Ian...finish it." she ordered Ian.

"Alright." said Ian.He turned back to the camare."Anthony...we are sorry...this is our fault.We shouldn't have ignored you.We miss you Anthony Padilla.Rest in peace." said Ian.He wave to the camera and the video ended for there.

Kayla and Dan sat there...not knowing what to say."Wow." said Dan."I....I feel bad.For Anthony..he must have been through so much." said Kayla.Dan nodded."Hey,what time is it?" asked Kayla."6 am.We still have time...take a shower or somthing.I'm going get breakfast." said Dan as he got off the bed.Kayla nodded and got off the bed and hoped into the shower.


My pov

Not the best cause I didn't know what to write.So,don't hate me.

This Chappy goes to Mockingjay33! She is awesome! Go and check her out.She writes about this Newt fanfic and I have read the 1st chappy...not the whole book yet but it was very interesting.Hope you like this gurl! 

Quick Question:How are you finding Dan and Kayla so far?

For me,I find them like Addioson and Thomas.Close with each other.That's my view.

Until we meet in the next Chappy,



And dont forget to follow me!~Anna out! BP

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