One of those runs.

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Last time,

"Ready?" I asked him.
"Ready." he said.
We were ready to run from the cave and back onto the road.
Little did we know,there was 95% chance that we could get caught.


3rd person's pov

They walk quietly in the dead steet.It was really dead.No one was coming out for their homes."I guess that why they call us 'The midnight tiwns.' " wishpered Kayla.Dan wanted to laughed but he shows her sister a smile.They ketp on walking.After 15 mins,Kayla gets a wried feeling.As if they were being watched."Dan...I have a bad feeling that we are being watched." she wishpered."Me too.We must watch our backs." said Dan.Kayla nodded.Step by step they took,the feeling grew and grew.

Kayla looked at her left.She saw movement in the shadow.It had eyes.It didn't look friendly.Then Kayla realize what it was."Dan.Duck." she said.Dan looked saw what she saw.He did what he was told.Duck.A Black Great Dane came out and attacked Kayla ."There they are! Get them!" said someone."Shit! The police!" said Dan.Dan got the Dane of Kayla,he help Kayla up and they ran."It like one of those runs right Kayla!?" he asked."Yeah! Like one of those runs!" she said back.They ran from the people and dogs behind them.

One of the dog bit Kayla's leg.That slowed her down for a bit."Kayla!" said Dan.Dan grab his sister hand and they start running even thoug her leg hurt."Stop in the name of the law!" said a man who was in a car using the speaker."SHUCK THE LAW SLINTHEADS!" shouted Kayla.

They just keep running and took a left.They quiet and quickly go into a very dark ally.They hid behind a few boxes."They are gone! Split up!" said the same man.They stay quiet after the police go past the ally way that they were hiding.Once they pasted,they breathed heavily."Dan...Your arm." said Kayla.She saw Dan's arm.It was bitten.

"Never mind my arm! We have to worry about your leg." said Dan as he looked at Kayla's leg.It was quite deep cut."Dan..." said Kayla.Dan was looking through his bag for medicine."No.Don't worry about me.It is just a bite." said Dan as he took things out from his bag."Dan...I'm fine."said Kayla."No Kayla!You are not fine! I can see it on your face! I'm your tiwn brother! You help me with please,let me repay you by doing this." said Dan with tears in his eyes.This was the 1st time that Kayla saw him with tears.

"Alright Dan.You got me.Do what you need to do." said Kayla.Dan kissed her forhead."Thank you." said Dan.Kayla smiled.Dan got out everthing he need and started to put oil on her leg.It hurt so much that a tear fell on Kayla's cheek.She had to hold a near by box to let the pain out."There...I just need to cover up with bandage." said Dan as he search his bag once more.Kayla looked at the cut.It looked like he did a good job.

"And there.Your done." said Dan.Kayla looked at her leg.It was covered by bandage."Nicely done Dan." said Kayla."I learned it from you.All of it." said Dan."So....he does learn a thing or 2 from me." thought Kayla."I guess we must spend the night here." said Kayla."Yeah....we must get some rest for the next night." said Dan.Kayla nodded and she started to fall asleep.Dan found clean pillows and used them."Night Kayla." said Dan."Night." said Kayla.Dan turn to his right and Kayla was hugging him by the waist."Love you bro." said Kayla."Love you too." said Dan.He closed his eyes and darkness took over him.


The next night was great.No one was chasing them at least.The town that they walked was quiet but with some barking and crying of babies."So...where now bro?" asked Kayla."I have no idea.You?" asked Dan."No idea well.I guess we are stuck." said Kayla.Dan nodded.The only think that they did was steal food."Hey,I heared that this building has no one.Wanna take a rest for the day?" asked Dan as he pointed to a run down building."Sure.As long I get rested up,I'm good." said Kayla.They went in and saw that it was run down already.They walked up to the last floor to find the rooms are not that run down."We will rest here." said Dan."Alright." said Kayla.There was a TV,a king bed{There was no room} and small kitchen.

Dan sits on the sofa while Kayla went to check out the bathroom.It was small.She then went to the bed.She face planted on the bed.The bed felt soft like a pillow.She rolled around it.When she hit the frame of the bed,she saw a apple laptop on the nightstand.She gets up and takes the laptop.She crossed her legs and on the laptop.It was covered by a password.She looks back at the nightstand.There was the password.


She typed the password and the screen said Welcome Anthony."Guess the person forgot his laptop." thought Kayla.She see nothing but a video on the side.She clicks the video.

"Hello...My name is Anthony Padilla....and I'm one of the scientist at WICKED.Before WICKED,I was a youtuber with my best friend,Ian Andrew Hecox.We were close but he said he was going to get married to this girl,Jodie Summer.I was going to get married to this girl,Kalel cullen but we spilt cause we thought it was for the best.I thought it was for the best but I would cry for hours.I wanted to tell her my love was killing me but she was engaged to this person she met at 7-11.If I could remember,his name was Dylan.She told me that they were getting married 2016.I met him once and he loved Kalel so much like I did.I stayed happy for them but deep down inside,it killed me.Once they got married,Dylan took over my place.I watched her volgs for hours and cried.That's when I joined WICKED.

It has been years since I talked to them and last I heared of Kalel and Dylan was they had a baby girl name London.I shed tears but luckly no one saw.I hated Dylan as much I hated myself.Once I stopped working,there was this law that who ever worked for WICKED must be killed.So today's my day.By anytime now,the police would come in and kill me,so here are mylast words.

Hi Kalel,if you are watching this,I loved you ok? I had to hide the fact that you were dating Dylan.

Hi Ian,Thanks for being a awesome friend to me.So,Thank you both of us for being so close to me."

Just then,in the video,Kayla heared the door open and some yelled,"Anthony Padilla!?".Anthony nodded and 

He got shot in the head.

It was on video.Kayla screamed.Dan heared his sister and went towards her."Kayla!?" he asked.He saw her,crying."Kayla...what happen?" he asked.Kayla pointed to the video and asked him to watched it.He did and understood."Kayla.Why did you watch that?" he asked."I don't know.It was just there...I thought it was nothing." said Kayla,Tears were running down.Dan puts the laptop at the sofa and comes back to Kayla."There....there Kayla....I'm here." said Dan."What if that happen to mom?" she asked."No...that will never happen.She  is out there....wait for us to find her.That I'm sure off." said Dan."Ok..." said Kayla as she falls asleep.

Dan falls asleep as well.


My pov.

Kalel and Anthony's break up gave me this Idea
Don't hate me alright guys?

This one goes got to Drammmmmmaaa! You rock gurl! or dude.XD

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