Almost Like Being In Love

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Tom's POV
We danced to another song and then left the bar after paying for our drinks.

"Where to now Thomas?" She asked me as we stood outside of the bar. I quickly peeped back inside and checked the clock.

"It's 11pm." I said. She sighed and bit her lip. "Where shall we go?" She asked me as we linked arms and strolled down the street.
"Oi!" We heard someone shout from behind us. We turned around and a group of rich looking people were hanging out of a vintage convertible.

"Do you guys want to go to a party?" The driver asked.
"It's just here up on the rooftop." The woman next to him said. We looked up and at the building next to us there was in fact a rooftop party.

"Uh...sure!" Ella said with a smile.
"Ella?" I looked at her.
"What it's just for fun." She said.
"You're hard to say no to." I smiled. She gave me a toothy smile.
"I know." The 2 women and the 2 men walked us into the fancy building.

"So what are your names?" One of the women asked.
"I'm Isabella and this is Tom." Ella said.
"Ah! You're the Spiderman!" One of the men said.
I nodded, "Yeah he is!" Ella said for me.

"What do you do?" They asked Ella.
"I'm a jazz singer." She said.
"Wow, you must perform tonight!" The other women exlaimed.
"Really?" Ella asked. We waited for the lift. "You must!" One guy said. The lift dinged and we all got in.

"That would be great! Anyway, what's your names?" Ella asked.
"I'm Nathaniel," The guy who was driving said. "I'm Clara." The blonde woman said.
"I'm Kristoffer." The other guy said.
"I'm Mary-Anne." The brunette woman said.

"So what party are we going to?" I asked.
"It's a close friend's party. Him and his fiancé just broke up so him being extra, he had to throw a party." Clara rolled her eyes.

The four of them looked so glamourous. Clara and Mary-Anne were wearing long, bodycon dressed like mine and they both had a fur shawl. Nathaniel and Kristoffer were wearing suits with suspenders. The lift dinged and it opened to a gorgeous rooftop party. There were fairy lights everywhere and a jazz band at one end. The roof looked over the city and there was a perfect view of the tower.

"Shall you sing now?" Clara asked Ella as we walked in.
"Now?" She asked.
"Oui! Come on! What will you sing for us?" Mary-Anne asked. Ella looked at me then back to the girls.

"Almost like being in Love by Natalie Cole." She said.
"That's so romantic! I'll let Jon know!" Mary-Anna walked off.
"Now, is your boyfriend a singer?" Clara asked Ella. Ella turned around and I shook my head. "He's actually very good but he won't sing." She smiled at me.
"I'm really not." I said.
"Oh well, he is missing out." Clara shrugged and took us over to the band.

They spoke in French and then Ella took my jacket off of her and placed it on the side of the stage as she went up. Her hair was nearly dried but it was still a bit messy but she still looked gorgeous.
"Boujour! I'm Isabella Rose and I'm going to be singing 'Almost Like Being In Love'." She said with a smile.
The band started and she grinned at me as she started swaying from side to side.

"What a day this has been, what a rare mood I'm in, why it's almost like being in love!" She sang. Her hands caressed the vintage microphone stand and her red lips touched the head of the mic.

"There's a smile on my face for the whole human race. Why it's almost like being in love!" Her voice was still amazing. Smooth and sexy and it still sent goosebumps over my body. "All the music of life seems to be like a bell that is ringing for me! And from the way that I feel, when that bell starts to peal, I would swear I was falling, swear I was falling. It's almost like being in love!" She looked at me with a huge smile on her face as she sang.

Was she singing this to me? Wait no no no no...She doesn't love me! She's leaving! We've only been together for 3 and a bit hours!  No she can't be...does she though? I mean we've kissed a couple of times but she could be the type of girl that does this a lot. I don't even know her that well! But I don't do this...I wrote on the fucking lock that I felt love! What if she doesn't love me back? The plan is going to fail miserably I-

"Almost like being in love!" She sang and her and the band finished. People started clapping and I cheered a few times.
She said, 'Merci' into the microphone and then came off the stage.

"You were amazing like always." I said and she put the jacket back on.
"You looed a little spaced out, were you okay?" She asked.
"Yeah I'm fine." I smiled.
"Okay good." She said.
"Now let's-"
"Tom Holland?" A group of girls came up behind me.

"Hey guys, what's up?" I asked.
"We are huge fans, can we get a picture?" One asked.
"Yeah of course." I said. I posed with the 6 different girls who were all about my age and attractive. "Thank you so much." One of them said and they walked away. Ella was standing with her arms crossed.

"What?" I asked.
She shrugged, "Nothing." She said bluntly. "Come on, tell me." I smiled and grabbed both of her hands.
"It's nothing." She said again, avoiding eye contact.

"I might be an actor but I'm not that stupid. Tell meeee." I moaned.
"Its fine!" She said. I pulled her in close to me and she tried to wriggle away from me but I wrapped my arms around her waist and I nuzzled my face in her neck.

"Get off!" She laughed.
"No." I said into her neck. She finally gave up and sighed. She got on her tippy-toes and wrapped her arms around my neck.
"I didn't like any of them. I like you." I said quietly.

"Uh huh." She said with a chuckle. We both looked at each other.
"You're hot." I smiled.
"So are you. Haven't we been over this before?" She laughed.

I shrugged, "Maybe." I smiled and leant down and placed a lingering kiss on her lips. 
"I think we're tipsy." She said.
"I think we are...wanna get drunk?" I asked. She grinned, "Hell yes."

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