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It has been days, and Destiny resigned as Bear's nanny and broken up with Liam. She has moved back to her old flat, and lucky for her, Rose has yet found a new flat mate. When Rose asked her what happen, Destiny couldn't believe that it had been a year since she was hired as the nanny. Time really does go by when you're dealing drama almost 24/7.

Today, Destiny decides to go do some grocery shopping since they were low on food. In the grocery store, people were asking her questions such as: What it is like to date Liam Payne? Does he buy you everything that you want? Is he really good in bed? How big is his house? Is his baby cute? It was driving her insane to question after question. She just wants to left alone to do her grocery shopping at the moment, but that's what she gets for dating a famous and rich businessman.


Once she gets home, she finds a big and beautiful but expensive bouquet of bright pink tulips. Her favorite flower besides the cliché, the blood red roses. She unlocks the door with her key and walks around the bouquet so she could drop the groceries down. She sets the bag on the sofa, finding Rose sitting in the lone chair watching Tiger King.

She grabs the remote and pauses the show for a moment while she asks, "Do you know sent those flowers to out there?"

Rose shrugs her shoulders and presses play while she answers, "I don't know."

Destiny playfully rolls her eyes and comments, "You are absolutely no help, Rose."

The redhead ignores her roommate and continues to binge watch this thrilling documentary as the brunette sighs and brings in the tulips to find a small folded card hidden in the center of the bouquet. She sets the beautiful flowers down on the coffee table and sits down on the sofa as she opens the card and begins to read the letter, noticing Liam was the one who sent her those tulips. She should have known it was him because she remembered telling him that she loves tulips.

The note read, Dear Destiny,

I am going to be honest. I have broken your heart by holding against your miscarriage when you were blaming yourself for the loss of our baby. It was not your fault for the miscarriage. I should haven't gone for a low blow like that. I let my anger and frustration over the lawsuit out on you, which was wrong of me. You have made me happy in a year, and I haven't felt this happy since Sophia's death. You have brought this bright light into my life as well Bear's, and Bear has grown accustomed to you. He may even see you as his mother now- he is now saying Mama. From the bottom of my heart, I apologize for my terrible behavior and for all the horrible things I said to you that afternoon.

Love, Liam

P.S. I remember pink tulips are your favorite flower. Please come back as Bear's nanny and my girlfriend. We miss you- well, really me.

Destiny smiles a little, but the smile quickly disappears when she remembers how he said that she was selfish for taking a month off after she had that miscarriage. She tosses the card on the table and ignores the flowers as she grabs the groceries, heading into the kitchen and putting up all the food.

She was confused when she heard a knock on the door and asks, "Rose, did you order some food?"


"Then who's knocking on the door?" The young and beautiful brunette asks and leaves the kitchen, making her way over to the front door.

She opens the door and gasps softly when she finds her ex-boyfriend, Liam standing at the doorway with another bouquet of pink tulips. It has been days since the break up and resignation, and she hadn't gotten a call or text from him up until the first bouquet. It is surprising to see him here, and even more surprise by the way he look. He didn't look like they have broken up four days ago- he looks like they haven't been together for months.

He smiles shyly, "Hi."

She awkwardly responds, "Hey."

"Can I come in?"

She answers nonchalantly, "I guess."

She steps to the side and lets him enter her flat as she closes the door behind him. She pushes her hair out of her face and leads him into the kitchen, so they could have some privacy as well didn't want Rose to hear their conversation. There was this awkward and uncomfortable silence between the two exes, and neither one of them didn't know what to say or how to start the conversation.

Destiny draws random things on the white wooden table and says, "So..."


"Why are you here, Liam?"

The older tech executive sighs and quietly explains, "I'm here to apologize for my behavior."

She holds her hand up to stop him because she doesn't want to hear his lame apology or any weak excuses. She knows he meant what he said that afternoon. No one would hold a miscarriage against their significant other the way Liam did to her. Why should she forgive him after he stabbed her in the heart?

She shakes her head and responds, "No, I don't want to hear it. You meant what you said."

Tears begin to form in his eyes as he quickly shakes his head in disagreement and interrupts, "Please! What can I do to make you realize that I am so sorry for what I said to that afternoon."

She shrugs her shoulders and says, "I don't know."

He reaches out and slowly takes her hands in his as he tries to convince her that he is sincere with his apology. He would walk the ends of the earth to prove his love to her. He would even buy the whole world and give it to her to show her how much he loves her. In other words, he would literally do anything for her and prove his love to her.

He begs, "Please, Destiny."

She has to look away from him, or she would break down in front of him. She doesn't want him to see her hurt all over the miscarriage, but she was hurt. She must not show any weakness towards him, or he will take advantage of it.

"I need some time to think, Liam."

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