Bob and Mill and Jim and Jill

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Bob and Mill and Jim and Jill

lay upon the pebble beach.

The foam licked their barren toes

and the sun ebbed back into the sea.

Bob said to Mill "I was a king

reclining on my regal throne.

The fish performed in my court;

The sea gulls were my chaperone."

Mill said to Jim. "Well, I explored,

mysteries before untold.

A sunken corner of the reef

with creatures one would not believe!"

Jim grinned at Jill. "I've had my fill!

I was the richest kid of all!"

My bag broke with all the pearls

and rocks whose core with diamonds shone."

But Jill would not disclose her thoughts

not on Mill's reef, or on Jim's rocks

not even on Bob's regal throne!

They would not leave poor Jill alone.

So to her heart the girl held close

the sweet shell's sonnets of Mother sung.

Bob and Mill and Jim and Jill

lay upon the pebble beach.

The foam licked their barren toes

and the sun ebbed back into the sea. 

                                 - Aubrey-Bestaye

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