Crash and grumble - A siren sings...

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and grumble, guts

and scrapes                                                         A siren sings of silent seas

heads                                                  And seagulls souring in the breeze

and tails.               

Rip the

life out                               And plastic rings mindless ecstasy And

don't feel bad,                     storms that battles with nature's might

it's simply nature's little                                And other such delights.


Cash and

grumble,                       A siren sings for days gone past

red and

ice,                                Of jagged rocks and diamond hearts

don't think            Of sunken reefs and body parts Of

of all the                   candy shells and sonnets sung

wasted life.              Of regal thrones and barren toes

Crash and                                       And other lovely nightmares.


blood and                                                  A siren sings...

white                         A siren sings...

fish and sinners intertwine with me

A siren sings...

-Aubrey Jill





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