|| two-people presentation

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"next week you'll be starting a two-people project-presentation about this topic" the teacher says to the class, receiving a bunch of groans from the students.

"but you can choose your partner. i'll give you a week to choose. don't only choose your friend but also choose people who'll be good at this" the teacher added quickly after hearing those groans, which then changed into a few whispers of achivement.

this came to a problem, for both [l/n] and kozume. both males didn't interact greatly with their classmates, so they don't know what to expect from any of them, nor does their classmates know much about them.

"[y/n]-kun- [l/n], would you like to do the presentation with me?" kozume asked, clearly nervous. he has never interacted with [l/n], eye-contact, small greeting smiles and nods were the only interaction they've ever given each other.

"kozume? sure, maybe we could get to know each other more this way" [l/n] says softly, giving a soft smile to the pudding-haired boy.

letter connection | k'kenma x male!readerWhere stories live. Discover now