|| letter connection

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"oh! you're [y/n]-chan right?" a black haired male asked [l/n]. kuroo tetsurou. [l/n] was walking around the school with kozume, until a senpai showed up.

"y-yeah. kuroo... tetsurou? oh—" and at that moment [l/n] realised, he was talking to the "scary volleyball captain" he's tried avoiding this whole time.

"kenma has talked about you a lot you know~" kuroo teased.

"kuro stop this" kenma rolled his eyes.


"he knows about it already. mom told him, unfortunately"

"but it was cute though" [l/n] spoke up, clearing the confusion he felt earlier.

"can you play volleyball [y/n]-chan?"

"yeah, why?"

"why didn't you join our club? what position?"

"you were gonna be the new captain, and you looked scary. middle blocker, though"

"are you two together?" kuroo asked bluntly.

"you could put it like that, kuroo-san" [l/n] replied, making kozume much redder than a before - if that was even humanly possible.

"how did it happen?"

both second year students looked at each other, smiled and looked back at the third year.

"we had a letter connection" both males said at the same time, smiling sheepishly.

bonus :

"ah, you two are so cheesy!" kuroo scrunched his nose as he hid his face in his hands.

"eh? aren't we supposes to be the flustered one?" [l/n] asked confusingly.

"i'm not flustered... i'm just crying" kuroo admitted, swifting his body from the middle of the hallway to a wall near him.

"huh? why are you crying?" kozume panicked.

"it's just.. it's just that you two are so grown up now! especially kenma! it felt like just yesterday our parents forced us to be friends with each other!" he sobbed, taking his head out of his hands and patted them both on the shoulder.

"this is dumb, i'm leaving" kenma said while pushing the older's hand away and walking to the depth of the hallway.

"k-chan! take me with you!" [l/n] said as he caught up with the pudding-haired male.

"you two are so mean!" kuroo complained in between his sobs, calling out to the two second years he was just conversing with a minute ago.

ah, young love kuroo thought jokingly.

letter connection | k'kenma x male!readerWhere stories live. Discover now