|| project progress

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"i'll get the door!" kozume shouts as loud aa he can, dashing down the stairs and making his way to the front door of his house. there stood, [l/n].

both first year males decided to do the project in kozume's house. some of the supplies they already owned, but most of them they had to buy. they agreed that [l/n] would buy the supplies they didn't have and kozume would pay for half of the price.

"good morning, kozume" [l/n] said as he plastered a smile on his face.

"good morning, come inside" kozume swifted to the side, making way for the other male to step in.

"sorry for the intrusion" [l/n] said quietly but enough for the people on the inside to hear.

"oh you're not intruding anything honey!" kozume's mother said excitedly at her son's new friend.

"hi kozume-san"

"you must be [y/n]-chan! kenma has talked a lot about you!" mrs. kozume said to [l/n], embarrassing her son.

"mom stop that-" kozume was interuppted.

"really? like what?"

"oh, how he—" mrs. kozume's sentence got cut off by kozume covering her mouth in embarrassment, not letting any other words out.

"let's just go [l/n]" kozume then grabs [l/n]'s wrist, forcing him to follow the gamer-boy upstairs, into his room.

— time skip : after finishing the project —

"uhm, kozume?" [l/n] asked.


"c-could i call you k-kozume-chan?" [l/n] stuttered out, blushing a tiny bit.


"y-yeah, can i call you that?"

"you could just call me kenma, [l/n]..."

"alright then, kenma-chan. you can call me [y/n]"

"[y-y/n]-kun. how about that?"

"that's nice"

letter connection | k'kenma x male!readerWhere stories live. Discover now