|| crush?

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kozume's routine was almost the exact same as last year's. same chores to do, same route to take, same person to walk with him back home, same anonymous letters to write, pretty much everything was the same.

the pudding-haired boy sat down on his seat, currently reading the most recent letter from [l/n].

dear k-chan,

kenma kozume. ( we're also talking like we're chatting through texts, when in reality we have to wait a day to receive these letters (TT) we should at least make it a little bit longer )

kozume couldn't believe what he was reading.

[y/n] likes... me?

he doesn't even know that i'm reading this.

i- i have to act like i'm not "kenma kozume". but how am i supposed to do that?

he lowkey just confessed without knowing it.

w-what am i supposed to reply?

kozume's head kept spinning in circles, while his face was as red - almost the same as the boy's volleyball team's uniform. that red. his soul almost left his body. the tempature around him becoming more and more humid, causing him to breathe heavily.

what is this?

he brushed off the feeling he felt and decided to write whatever was on the top of his hand, kozume was sure that he's gonna regret it later on.

letter connection | k'kenma x male!readerWhere stories live. Discover now