|| love letter

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it has been one whole year since kozume and [l/n] first started talking through the letters. they've grown to know each other more and more everyday.

they shared a bunch of memories together,

told their problems to the other,

comforted each other,

and slightly even confessed.

kozume was in his room - the usual - just that he's circling his room, thinking of the best possible way to write the next letter.

should i write that...? no, too much.

how about... no no, too little.

just, go simple. simple.

got it.

kozume got back in his seat and started writing. he was finally going to be able to reveal himself to [l/n].

the, kozume kenma has took a liking towards [l/n] [y/n]. a crush? probably. fallen in love? most likely.

letter connection | k'kenma x male!readerWhere stories live. Discover now