|| sakura

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kozume had it all planned. he'll go behind the school at 6:30 pm, then, he'll go hide somewhere near and wait for [l/n]. kozume also bought a sakura shaped clip for [l/n].

— time skip : 5 minutes —

"uhhh... k-chan?" [l/n] called out, making kozume flinch just a bit.

kozume was hiding behind a giant tree that fitted perfectly with his small frame.

"i think i like you, [y/n]-kun" kozume said softly while still being behind the tree. to [l/n] that voice was familiar, it was the voice of someone he finally became friends with.


"k-kenma-chan?" [l/n] asked nervously.

if kenma-chan is k-chan, then i've already confessed... no. it can't be kenma-chan.

"hi, [y/n]-kun. glad you came." kozume greeted, revealing himself.


"mhm, you're correct."

"so if kenma-chan is k-chan that means, i-i've already confessed... what?"

"you were talking to me the whole time, but you can never seem to find out who i am. almost once, but after that, you couldn't anymore."

"i-i don't know how to react. k-chan?"

"here." kozume clipped the sakura shaped clip onto [l/n]'s tie.

"huh? what's this?" [l/n] looked down, trying to figure out what shape it was.

"it's a sakura clip. you like sakuras, right?"

"i said i liked the flower, k-chan~"

"then you can't keep the gift"

"you're cute, kenma-chan"

"you've already told me that, in the letters"

"but that was when i didn't know you were behind the letters!"

"same thing, [y/n]-kun"

letter connection | k'kenma x male!readerWhere stories live. Discover now