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Felix got out of bed after scrolling through his phone for a couple of minutes. He grabbed his outfit and walked to his connected bathroom. He looked at his phone and quickly deleted the text message he received. He undressed and stepped into the shower.

He finished and he grabbed his towel; stepping out and wrapping it around his waist after drying off. He washed his face and applied light makeup before changing into a high-waisted black skirt, a white bodysuit, and an oversized torn denim jacket. He dried his hair and left the bathroom after grabbing his phone and putting on a necklace.

He slipped on socks and left his room. He slipped on his shoes and he grabbed his keys and a purse before exiting his house. He locked his apartment door and left. He didn't live in a tiny apartment but more of a condo, I guess.

Felix exited the elevator he was in and walked over to his car; unlocking it and getting in. He turned it on and drove to the cafe to since he was going to get Jeongin his drink and a cookie. He turned on the radio after getting out of the parking lot and calmly hummed along to the music that played as he drove.

It was quickly interrupted when the news came on. Usually, he would be happy but a frown came to his lips when he heard it was about the new patient at the asylum he was at.

"So, you and your officers caught the crazy guy on TV?"

"Yep! Wasn't that difficult either."

Felix rolls his eyes at the words of the police chief; mumbling, "Some of it is your fault as well but alright." He turned into the drive-thru and turned off the radio to order. Once he got the items, he drove off to his work place.

He arrived and got out of the car and walked towards the door. "I'm taking Jeongin out," Felix warns the guard as he shows his ID who nods his head. Felix walked into the building and started walking Jeongin's room.

He knocked and frowns as he heard muffled voices. He opened the door and his blood boiled at the man who had cornered Jeongin. He quickly ran over and shove the man to the ground. "Who the hell do you think you are?" Felix asks as he pulls the man up. He dragged him out of the room and shouted for security.

Once they came, Felix walked back in and was met with Jeongin hugging him tightly. "Can we go? Please, please. I don't wanna be here anymore," Jeongin begs and Felix slowly kneeled on the floor to hold Jeongin. "Of course. I got you a cookie and a drink," Felix says as he ran his fingers through the already traumatized boy. Jeongin nodded his head and Felix helps him stand up.

He was already dressed so he let the boy take his hand and he leads him out of the room; closing the door. Jeongin followed quietly as he fidgeted with the mask in his free hand. "A-Are we going to visit Channie?" Jeongin asks as they stopped at the entrance so Felix could take him out. "Yes. The nurses told your Channie and he is very excited," Felix explains and Jeongin got a very excited smile. "But visiting hours aren't for a couple more hours so let's go shopping for a little bit and than we can go to the ice rink after visiting Channie," Felix says as they started leaving.

Jeongin smiles and nods his head; excited to see his boyfriend.

A small backstory for Jeongin and Chan(the one they are visiting).

The two met in high school and they would've stayed in high school if it wasn't for a small accident that happened with a group of boys who were homophobic. Many kids at the school, most actually, didn't care about who other students dated because it wasn't there business but a group of boys cared because they "owned" the school which they really didn't. It was maybe Chan and Jeongin's 5th month of dating when the younger started to get death threats from an unknown person.

Chan confronted the student council president who took action into trying to find who it was but could never since the handwriting belonged to nobody at school. Felix, who was apart of the council but was quiet about it, tried to find the person to report but much like the president, he found nothing. All the president told the couple was to watch carefully for anyone who was giving looked towards Jeongin.

Things for Jeongin at home weren't good already as his father was always touching him sexually but that was until Chan made him move in with him. Jeongin still has nightmares about it but that wasn't what got him into the hospital.

The notes went on for a couple of weeks before it happened. Chan and Jeongin were walking the halls since Jeongin wasn't in the right mindset to be near anyone except his boyfriend. While they were walking through the hall, they got jumped and Jeongin was held back while Chan was getting beat up.

The next thing that happened caused Jeongin to let out the loudest scream he had ever made. The boy who was punching Chan pulled out a knife and stabbed him; luckily not too deep according to the doctors who had arrived only minutes after.

The next week, Jeongin's mind was a mess. He was alone at the apartment with only Chan's dog to hold when he had the breakdowns. Anyone who tried to touch him would cause him to panic and get an anxiety attack.

He was walking the halls, once again, when he was jumped. He recognized the boys as the ones who nearly killed Chan so he snapped. He shoved the main one to the ground and yelled at him until he saw the weapon the student had that he was most likely going to use on Jeongin.

He already had voices in his head telling him to kill himself but now they were telling him to kill the boy.

Jeongin did.

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