~Chapter 4~

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Hello everyone!!! I know its been like for-freaking-ever between my uploads for this story, but i've been more focused on my other story 'Your My Mate?! But your a GUY!'. Untill that story is done this one will be updated less frequently, that is unless you guys really really like it! So go read my amazingness :)

~Chapter 4~

Jude’s POV

Here is what I’ve learned so far from an hour and a half of talking and entertaining Kale’s grandmother: first, is that love can certainly transcend death if you have the will to make it do so, like Lilly does. Secondly, it’s damn hard to pretend you’re someone you have never met or heard of, especially while you’re in the presence of that someone’s wife. And thirdly, even though Mrs. Carson is bat shit crazy, it’s impossible not to love the old coot.

I’m sitting at the edge of her bed, grinning wildly as she rambles on about all the crazy and hilarious things Hubert and she had done before. Of course she keeps referring to me as the other participant in these crazy hilarious things but that’s ok. Apparently, they had gotten into a lot of sticky situations when they were young- they were high school sweet hearts, even dating off and on in Middle school, though of course at that age dating gust meant holding hands and giggling to your friends about it later. It’s amazingly fun to just sit and watch as her eyes light up while she talks about the two of them. It’s so incredibly sweet to hear the words and stories flow from Lily’s mouth like honey and to see the dazed happy look in her eyes.

“…Oh and the things you said to me, how mean you were when we were young.” She grins at this and I try to look sheepish, playing the part of Hubert as best as I can guess. “But as are little boys I guess. Remember when we first met each other. Oh god that was the day you cut off my pony tail. Gosh I looked hideous with short hair. But do you remember what you said to me to apologies?” Lily asks and I can’t help but laugh at the fact that Hubert had cut her hair.

“I like it better when you tell me the stories.” I say simply and this just makes her smile wider.

“You always did,” She says. “Ok, a day after, when I came into school and cried like a baby because some girls made fun of my new hair-do you marched over, like the little 7 year old knight in shining armor you were. And you turned to me and said ‘they know nothing, you are the prettiest girl with ugly hair I’ve ever seen’.” And with that she gives a raspy laugh, I laugh too.

“You were.” I say fully intending to take this ‘pretend to be a dead guy’ thing as far as I can. Tears mist up her dark eyes.

“Oh Hubert, I love you.” She sniffles and my heart melts at the sight. I’m so very sorry for her that she was left here alone in this world without her love. So with that in mind I take in a gulp of air and let it out in a big whoosh.

“I love you too Lily.” I coo my voice thick with oncoming tears. God I am such a sap. Just then a young nurse in sterile white scrubs peaks her head into the room and smiles warmly.

“It’s time for Mrs. Carson’s lunch, sorry but visiting hours are up for right now.” She says and Lily’s eyes cut too the nurse and I’m totally forgotten. Just like when I first entered her eyes get wide and delirious with joy.

“Hubert?” She asks the nurse and I smile sadly to myself, taking this time to slip from the room. Walking back the way Kale and I came I wave to the receptionist on my way out. Outside, the air is mild, being one of the warmer days in this early spring.  Sighing I pull out my cell phone and debate whether I should call Macy and ask her to pick me up. I don’t really have a choice seeing as Kale left me here and I can’t call my mom because she thinks I’m at school. Scowling I punch in Macy’s number and curse Kale under my breath.

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