~Chapter 8~

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Its fluffy and filler and short buuuut oh well. Its something at least :)

~Chapter 8: Katniss Everdeen to the Rescue~

Jude’s POV

Coincidentally (because her parents paid the school off with a new stage for the auditorium) Macy and I share all of our classes together. Apparently, everyone has a price, including our principal. First period was English today. We have his ridiculously absurd schedule where the order of our classes change every day. The orders of our classes are called ‘blocks’ and we have seven different blocks that we have to memorize and remember for which day they’re used. Everyone thinks it’s stupid and overly complicated, but the principal loves her own ‘ingenious’ idea so, it’s what we do. Today’s block is number 3 and its one of my least favorite seeing as we drop art.

“Come on slow poke!” Macy calls to me while skipping down the empty halls. We’re late because Macy dragged me into the girls’ bathroom (I’m gay so the other girls don’t mind me being there) and forced me to recount in great detail what happened yesterday when I got subway for Kale. Now I’m taking effort in being slow getting to class because Mr. Rosback teaches it and he hates my guts. Funny how he only started hating me when he found out about my sexual orientation. Damn homophobes.

“I’m coming.” I mutter darkly, dragging my feet even more.

“Oh stop pouting, if Mr. Rosback says anything even slightly homophobic I can have him fired like that.” She assures with a snap of her fingers. I just sigh. It’s true, she probably could, but who was I to get a man fired just because he thinks I should burn in hell?

Eventually we get to the classroom, only ten minutes late. When we enter Mr. Rosback is red faced and yelling, spit flying from his fish lips and getting caught in his graying mustache. The object of his tantrum, Hanna, is a nervous bird-like girl with a stutter. Poor girl looks like she’s about to pee her pants in fear.

“Hello class!” Macy greets everyone, successfully drawing the psycho teachers’ attention away from poor Hanna. The nervous girl looks to Macy like she was the second-coming for saving her. Mr. Rosback looks ready to kill.

Macy, bless her crazy soul, skips to her seat while whistling, a bright smile on her face. When she sits down, her whistling cuts off and she grins and the teacher, just begging for him to explode. I gulp and shuffle in and ease into the empty seat next to her. Mr. Rosback grits his teeth and turns to the white board, scribbling furiously in a chicken scratch script. As soon as his attention is away from us, Macy turns to me.

“Ethan’s throwing a party this Friday. You’re coming.” She states in a ‘don’t you dare say otherwise’ kind of tone. I frown. Parties aren’t really my thing. The only time I ever had alcohol was with Macy and I ended up waking up naked and on top of her roof. Not sure how I got there and neither does Macy but it was clear that I can’t hold my booze. Still, it’s not like I have to drink.

“Fine,” I say with about as much enthusiasm as a dead person.

“Jude, no talking!” Mr. Rosback shouts, turning to glare at me. I nod mutely and, satisfied, Mr. Rosback continues his teaching with a huff.

“You could meet a yummy boy there.” Macy whispers moments later and I shoot her a withering look. Sure, it would be great to have a boyfriend, but it’s not going to happen. I’m just…me. No boy is going to want to date me. I’ve told her this time and time again but she doesn’t listen. She says I have an “an adorable, feminine charm” that makes the boys want me. I call bullshit.

“Oh don’t look at me that way.” She says with a sly smirk. “Then maybe you’ll finally lose your V-card.”

My face instantly colors red at her words and my eyes widen. “S-shut up!” I sputter quietly. Wanting to die of humiliation.

“Jude!” Mr. Rosback yells. Ok, maybe I want all that quiet after all. His face is red in anger again.

“I’m sorry sir.” I apologize quickly.

“No apologies! Go to the principal’s. I already told you, no talking!” He growls and my mouth drops open in shock. He was going to send me to the principal’s office just for that.

“I-I um,” I stutter, at a loss for words. I want to tell him to go screw himself, but my mouth and brain don’t seem to be connected anymore. Plus, he scares me.

“Office!” He shouts. But my legs aren’t working anymore either.

“I volunteer!” Macy cry’s in a very Katniss esque fashion, bolting up from her seat with her hand in the air. The class room is silent. I swear you can hear the blood pounding through my veins. I’m looking up at her in horror while everyone turns to stare at Macy with expressions of shock, confusion, and fear for her safety on their faces. The little vein on Mr. Rosbacks’ forehead pulses and his face scrunches up in absolute anger.

“What?” He hisses. I hold my breath, waiting for Macy to do the smart thing by sitting down, shutting up, and letting me go to the office. Sadly, it turns out that Macy is a psychotic idiot.

“I volunteer!” She repeats just as forcefully as the first time. I could smack her. I really, really want to smack her. My fellow class mates exchange uneasy looks. Some bite their lips to keep from laughing, and others (Hanna) look like they may start crying in fear. My mouth is open in shock and my eyes are bugging out of my scull. I am afraid that he’ll finally snap and kill her in his rage.

“Fine then,” He spits “You both can go to the principal’s office.”

Macy grabs my limp arm and forces me to stand, dragging my stumbling form to the doorway. Before exiting, she turns to our classmates. Kissing her three fingers, she raises them in the air. A handful of kids burst out laughing, while a few others, who must live under rocks, look confused by the hand gesture. We dash out of the room before Mr. Rosback can explode.

“I cannot believe you just did that!” I cry while we run hand in hand down the hall. She skids to a stop and I stop too, looking at her with my mouth agape. Macy snorts with laughter, clutching at her stomach.

“Did you see his face?!” She cackles. Unable to stop it, I begin laughing as well. By the time we pull ourselves together we’re laying on the ground, holding our aching stomachs with tears falling down our faces.

“Macy,” I gasp for air. “You’re crazy.” She grins at me through her dying giggles.

“But that’s why you love me.” She says and I have to agree. A freshman walks by, looking at us like we’ve lost our minds. Macy sticks her tongue out at him and he scurries away. Sighing, I stand and pull her up with me.

“Well, come on. We have to get to the Office” I say and we do.

The principle Mrs. Arnold gives us a ‘slap on the wrist’ so to speak. We just get a quick speech about how she’s disappointed in us and how we should respect our teachers. She won’t do much else because she doesn’t want to anger Macy in case she tells her parents. The prospect of more bribe money is too tantalizing for her to risk losing it. Mr. Arnold is alright, a sell out that looks like a catfish out of water but still alright.

When the principal released us from her room there was only about 15 minutes left of the period and we weren’t going to go back to English so Macy ate up our time by recounting her Hunger Games show to the receptionist. Mrs. Kate, the receptionist laughed at all the right moments and sent us off with a handful of hard candies and a conspiratory wink.

The next two classes were uneventful and plain; no more out bursts from Macy. She played dutiful student quite well, but only because I insisted she couldn’t. Reverse psychology, what a beautiful thing it is. Kale chewed me out for not being at my first class waiting for him to take me to my next period. He said in his cold, flat voice, and I quote “If you’re going to be my little slave you have to let me do my job of protecting you from dickheads. Can’t have a broken slave now can I?” Yeah, so happy to know he actually cares. Can you feel that? That’s my sarcasm oozing all over you.

So yes, besides the little trip to the office the day was going and boring as always. That is until lunch time.

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