~Chapter 9~

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Ello all! Ok, so last chapter, i saw a lot of yoou reading, but i didnt see a lot of you voting or comenting. It made me sad :( All you gatta do to vote is one little click of you mouse! And a comment doent take too much time either! So please, Comment/ Vote/ Fan, it means a lot to me :)

~Chapter 9: Pepsi Payback~

Jude’s POV

Searching my pockets for my lunch money, I walk down the hallway while being bumped into and jostled by my peers. We’re all walking towards the same destination — the cafeteria — like a school of loud, obnoxious fish. The masses bottle-neck at the doors to the café and people shove passed one another to get through. I hang back, letting the flow of teenagers slowly bring me closer to the double doors. Soon I’m through, and breathing a sigh of relief that I was once again mercifully spared from being trampled.

In the back right hand corner of the lunch room I see Macy sitting at our normal table, and surprisingly, Kale and Quinton are also there. I didn’t even know they shared our lunch period, I think with a frown. Actually I didn’t even know of their existence before a couple of days ago. In my defense, the school is pretty large and Macy is exceedingly high maintenance so I spend most of my time with her. Still, it’s sort of sad how close-minded I can be when it comes to meeting new people. I blame it on shyness, but that’s not even really it. I’m content with my small amount of friends and so I don’t even attempt to branch out much, maybe that should change though.

Someone bumps into my shoulder, snapping me from my thoughts. Shaking my head to clear it I make my way to the rapidly growing lunch line. When it’s my turn I survey the limited food choice and decide on a chicken patty sandwich with mash potatoes and watery corn on the side. After paying I make my way over to Macy and the others, only to get stopped by Patrick a few feet away. My eyes widen and I look up to the bruiting teenager. He’s sipping on a bottle of Pepsi and glowering down at me.

“Excuse me,” I mutter deciding only to call on Kale if Patrick chooses to become violent. I don’t think he will though not with this many witnesses and after Kale’s interference earlier.

Patrick’s lips leave the mouth of the soda bottle and he grins. I squint at him wearily, trying to stop my body from trembling in fear. I didn’t need to be afraid of him anymore; Kale wouldn’t let him hurt me.

And then I’m dripping Pepsi.

Patrick turned the soda upside-down over my head, the contended spattering or my white-blond hair and dribbling down the front of my shit. My mouth falls open in shock and my tray clatters to the floor, spilling my soda drenched lunch onto the floor. The Pepsi stings my eyes and I blink furiously to keep from crying. Everyone who saw what happened goes deathly silent, portraying different stages of shock.

“Oops,” Patrick sneers and someone in the crowd gives a short laugh. I’m standing there, soaking in the sticky liquid as it stains my hair, shirt and jeans. All I want to do is curl up and disappear.

And then a wad of sauce smothered spaghetti smacks Patrick on the side of his fat face.

He sputters and looks around for the culprit of whom I’m already watching. Kale stands a few paces away, hand covered in sauce and noodles, grinning smugly. I can’t help but laugh, even though I’m sticky, wet and humiliated, the look on Patrick’s sauce splattered face is priceless. He turns to glare at me, but before I can get scared an anonymous student yells the words that would send any kid into a frenzy.

“Food fight!” Is the battle cry and soon after, the room is in absolute chaos. Food of all sorts of sailing through the air, people run and scream, and flustered teachers yell for order while ducking for cover. A girly squeal comes from me when a glob of mustered sticks itself to my bangs and a hamburger smacks into my back before falling to the ground. I throw my arms over my head, trying to protect my face, while dashing for the double doors. While weaving in and out of tables, various food products hit me at all angles and I screech with each one that makes contact. Making it to the doors I throw myself out into salvation, slipping down the hall.

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