~Chapter 6~

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Ok, first off, my computer is still not fixed, and i dont think it ever will be. I think its dead forever this time *Sniffle, Sniffle*. But my sister let me use her laptop to post this chapter because she's just that aamazing. However, because this is not my computer i can not use it whenever i want so updates will be slow. I'm really, really sorry to all my fans but what can i do? I'll try my hardest to update when i can! So without any more rambleing on my part, go read!   

~Chapter 6: Lose Yourself to the Music~

Jude’s POV

“Anything,” Quinton repeats this time wiggling his eyebrows and biting his bottom lip. My face turns a frightening shade of crimson from a warm blush at his words. I know what he’s hinting at and I don’t like it one bit. I want to yell at him and say that I’m not a cheap whore and I will not do anything, especially that kind of anything. Instead of screaming however, I boil in silence, dyeing of absolute embarrassment. Quinton just grins like a shark, leaning down so he’s my height. I glare at his forehead because I know if I look him in the eyes I’ll start cussing, something I don’t do to very often unless I’m around Macy, which ok, is pretty often but that’s not the point. Wait what’s my point again? Oh yeah, I’m truly pissed- oh shoot, I cursed anyway, oh well.

Kale watches this exchange with narrowed eyes. He looks to Quinton, then me, and back again. All of a sudden, and taking me completely by surprise, Kale reaches over and smacks Quinton on the back of the head in a very ‘Gibbs NCIS’ fashion. The solid whap rings out in the silence as his palm makes contacted with Quinton’s flesh.  I gawk, my mouth agape. Quinton rubs his head and looks at Kale with a slightly annoyed and extremely fake-injured expression, pot and all.

“Don’t make Jude uncomfortable. Only I can do that.” Kale quipped at his whining friend. Then he turns to me and smiles reassuringly.

“Don’t mind Quinton, he’s just a constantly horny bisexual.” He says. I can’t say anything because I’m still socked into silence. Did that really just happen? Did he just hit his, what I can only assume is, close friend. Or if they aren’t extremely close I still know that he’s closer to Kale then me, a scrawny gay boy that he refers to as ‘my bitch’ in regular a conversation.  Did it even truly transpire? Was I just day dreaming? No, I guess not from the angry glare Quinton throws at the taller boy as he rubs at the back of his head. So, did this mean anything? Was Kale going to be nice, or at least nicer, to me on a daily basis?  

“I’m not always horny. I just know a good deal when I see one, and if he in fact had to do anything we told him, then that would certainly be a good deal.” The pervert says trying to defend himself. Kale throws him a disapproving look and rolls his dark eyes.

“He has to do anything I say, there is no we involved. And, I say, that my bitch has to stay here and watch while we grind some rails.” Kale states before kicking off on his board and skating away, Quinton right on his tail. Ok so maybe he’s not terribly nice, but he did stick up for me, so that was a definite improvement.

Sighing I walk up to the chain link fence and sit down, my back resting on the cool metal. I’m not sure why Kale wants me to stay and ‘watch while they grind some rails’ – insert eye roll here- but if I’d had to guess I would say it’s so if he requires me of anything that I will be here and ready. No matter his reasoning I pull my jacket closer around my body and hunker down, readying myself to stay for about an hour. I don’t want to stay out too long because I do plan on attending school tomorrow no matter what Kale says.

I send a quick text to my mom stating that I’m not dead, just out with a couple friends. She doesn’t need to know that the people I’m with don’t really fall under the category of ‘friends’. They don’t even fall under the category of ‘acquaintances’. My mom text’s back quickly saying that I can stay out as long as I like. I don’t hang out too much with people who aren’t Macy, so when I do mom is all over me to, as she says ‘broaden my horizons’ and making the best of that time that I can. I don’t really want to broaden these horizons however, I would be much happier if these horizons would just disappear completely.

Six Of One, Half A Dozen Of Another (BoyxBoy)Where stories live. Discover now