An insult for every potterhead

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A horrified gasp was heard in the living room. Followed by a demonic shriek.
Tony burst through the archway and saw Elektra and Loki on the couch. In six in the morning.
She kept grumbling about being back in college. And being bitchy.
"You dare?!" An indignant squeak. "That is the biggest insult in the world!" And a terrifying growl.
"What?" Loki asked.
They still haven't noticed the billionaire in the room, - heh.
Elektra picked up one of the many books on the coffee table and hurled it at him.
He ducked and cussed, "Norns, woman!" He said indignantly. "What is it?"
"You dare call yourself a bookworm?!" A violent question, "And you haven't read Harry Potter?!" And a raging question. Tony relaxed when he realized what she was talking about.
"What, pray tell, is Harry Potter?" Loki asked exasperatedly.
"Only the best book series that will ever exist in all of universe!" She said bitchily, like from Mean Girls, it was the only thing popping in his head when she put her palm up and snapped her fingers a few times.
Loki rose an unimpressed eyebrow.
"Yes, oh mighty Lord of Mischief, I said that," she said snarkily.
"GOD of Mischief, and I doubt it," he said self-surely.
"I refuse to have a friend that does not know what epicness Harry Potter is," she grabbed his hand and stood abruptly. Loki didn't glower or growl or scold her, when she dragged him away.
"Yes, boss?"
"Pull up the cameras from living room to Elektra's and activate those in her suite in her living room," he ordered and watched.
Elektra was dragging him, he was grumbling something, trying to even his footing. She slammed her door open and stormed to her bookshelf, one of the many.
"Norns, Elektra!" Loki exclaimed as he was finally able to balance himself when she stopped.
She grabbed, what Tony presumed was, the first three parts of Harry Potter.
"Now, tell me, hard cover or soft cover?" She asked, seriously.
"Hard. Why?"
She didn't answer, just bounced over to another bookshelf and took the other three.
"I will read these, and you will read those," she said, deadly serious.
"And what if I don't?" Loki shot back sassily.
She grinned maliciously, "Well, then. It is your choice. I suppose these are too advanced for you," she said and grabbed them from the table.
He grabbed her wrist and snatched the three books from her.
"Watch your tongue, mortal," he said sharply.
"Coming from the Silvertongue himself?" She asked with a risen eyebrow and a triumphant smirk.
"How did you know people call me that?" Loki asked Elektra.
"I am an assassin and immortal, I have my ways," she said mysteriously. "Immortal?" The god asked as he darted after her when she dispersed. "What do you mean immortal?" Loki shouted down the hallway.

Tony didn't believe his eyes.

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