Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

Olympian throne Room

Percy's POV

As I stood in the Olympian throne room, I couldn't help but admire the work that Annabeth had done with her redesigning of it and the rest of Olympus, but as I had that thought, I also couldn't help the overwhelming feeling of loss that washed over me. I didn't understand why the fates had to be so cruel as to take my wise girl away from me. As I was being pulled into darker and darker thoughts, I was pulled from the recesses of my mind by someone clearing their throats.

"Perseus!" Zeus bellowed. "Were you even paying attention?"

I quickly shoot my head to clear any other thoughts before responding, "No uncle!" I heard him grumble something about annoying nephews or something like that before he gestured for me to walk to the center of the room.

"It has come to our attention that you have more control over your powers than we previously thought." Zeus continued. "And as such, certain members of the council believe that you could be a threat to our safety."

"Kill the punk" Ares cheered, before quieting when he received a glare from not just my father but from Zeus and Hestia.

"As I was saying, certain members believe you are a threat, so we must hold a vote to see what we must do with you, but first we give you a chance to defend yourself on the stance of not being a threat." Zeus continued, hinting that it was time for me to talk.

"Well for one, my fatal flaw is loyalty." I said, thinking it was a very good argument. "And I swear on the river Styx that I have never planned on betraying Olympus, and I never will, so long as Olympus never betrays me." I continued my confidence growing. And receiving a clash of thunder from the oath and a glowing smile from my father.

"Well that is one Hades of a defense cuz!" Apollo started, before being silenced by Hades appearing from the shadows and leveling a glare at him.

"Do you mind Apollo?" Hades begun, his glare intensifying "Not using my name as a curse, it gives me a headache!"

"Oh Hades! I mean oh shit.. I mean.. Uh" Apollo stuttered, probably fearing for his immortal life, again.

"Brother, what are you doing here?" Zeus cut off, before Hades could attack Apollo.

"Well I heard we were having a trial for the Perseus, and I thought I should be part of this." Hades said, shifting his gaze to Zeus.

"Of course brother." Zeus said, before directing his attention to Hephaestus, "Do you mind getting him a temporary throne, son?" Zeus asked. Only to receive a grunt in return, before Hephaestus used his mad building skills to snap a throne into existence.

"Thanks." Hades grumbled.

"Now back to th..." Zeus began, before I interrupted him.

"Um uncle.. shouldn't Hestia get a throne as well?" I asked, indicating to the eight year old form of my favorite aunt sitting by the fire.

"What? Oh right, um well... son do you.." Zeus started, only to be interrupted by another snap of Hephaestus's fingers and for another throne to appear across from Hades throne, whose was at the end of the line.

"Now, if we don't have any more interruptions on the way, we can commence the vote." Zeus said, leveling a glare at everyone as if to say don't you dare interrupt.

"Actually brother if I might." Poseidon said, with an ever growing smirk on his face. "I would like a word with my son before the vote begins."

"FINE!" Zeus thundered (There you go.) "But hurry up!"

Percy Jackson, The Path To Being A WizardWhere stories live. Discover now